Wii Play - Best Selling US Game Since 2000

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.10.2009 13

Wii Play - Best Selling US Game Since 2000 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Wii Play has taken the top spot for most selling US game this decade so far, topping GTA, Guitar Hero and Call of Duty.

According to figures from GameSpot (via VG247, as of August 2009 Wii play is the best selling game in the US since the dawn of this decade, January 2000.

Nintendo's minigame compilation, which comes bundled with a regular Wii remote, topped the likes of Grand Theft Auto, Guitar Hero III, Call of Duty and Halo 2 to take pole position. With only a year and a bit till the next decade hits (already? We feel rather old now), it looks as if it'll stay that way for some time.

1. Wii Play with Remote (2006) / Wii / 11.1 million
2. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (2007) / PS2, PS3, Wii, Xbox 360 / 10.3 million
3. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (2004) / PS2, Xbox/ 9.8 million
4. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (2007) / DS, PS3, Xbox 360 / 8.5 million
5. Wii Fit with Balance Board (2008) / Wii / 7.9 million
6. Madden NFL 07 (2006) / GC, GBA, PSP, PS2, PS3, Wii, Xbox, Xbox 360
7. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (2002) / PS2, Xbox
8. Madden NFL 08 (2007) / GC, PSP, PS2, PS3, Wii, Xbox, Xbox 360
9. Call of Duty: World at War (2008) / DS, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii
10. Halo 2 (2004) / Xbox

What do you think of the top 10? Did you buy any of these games, and did you expect others to make the cut? What do you think the line-up will be like next year?

Box art for Wii Play








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Fortunately they\'re paying for the controller and free game, otherwise I\'d be a little concerned. Smilie



(Thanks to Marzy for pointing it out Smilie)

( Edited 20.10.2009 17:59 by SuperLink )

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Nothing in that top 10 even remotely appeals to me.
WiiPlay is ok, but only because its effectively $5.

Guess my gaming tastes are pretty far from the mainstream in the US.

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Guest 20.10.2009#3

Same for me. Well guitar hero was fun for 3 hours.

Wow I sold this game in CEX last week only played it once when I got the controller with it and that was it lol.

( Edited 20.10.2009 15:28 by Irfy )

Wii Play isn't free! It's €10 here in Europe.

That is...


That is...


The most impressive thing about this list is that the Wii games were only released on one system where the others were multi-platform release.

That is also pretty amazing for Halo 2 as well, although that game was a milestone when it first came out.

This also makes me wonder why there hasn't been a legitimate game made for the Wii Balance Board considering there were so many sold.

Makes me want to throw up a little bit.

May you be in heaven for half an hour before the devil knows you are dead.
TetaWhite (guest) 20.10.2009#9

wii play is not a bad game, it is not a Mario but it is fun while it lasts but 11 millon? IMPOSSIBLESmilie

It's all about the tanks game, when drunk, in multiplayer.

It's always best to kill your rival instantly, hehehe.

The tanks game is quite like the Combat mode in advance wars dual strike.

http://www.fanficmaker.com <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

The Tanks! game is great. They should make a WiiWare sequel, I'd pay €5 if it has a save function. I never got to the end of the game. Smilie

I had six of those at some point or another, Wii Play included.

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