USA | Who Are You?
By James Temperton 14.10.2003 1
Who Are You?We 'explain' Nintendo's new advert! Scene One Sitting in a class some Japanese children become restless, damn boring lessons! Who wants to learn maths when you could be having fun? So Nintendo are against education then...who knows.Scene Two The clock starts to tick down, it is nearly time for something or other, what is coming next...the suspense!Scene Three Charge! With the time now finally here a mass of children plough down an innocent bystander in their mad possibly drug induced rampage...Scene Four More random people start to run onto the streets, they all seem to be after something, all running to the same place, but where, and for that matter what!?Scene Five Jumping down holes, running over construction sights, jumping across buildings, these crazy people will do anything to get to where they are going.Scene Six Running on trains! If Nintendo are promoting this they are very wrong. As Lisa Riley will tell you, 'Don't try this at home folks!' . We warn you the same, only without the obesity. So the charge for something!Scene Seven Look at them all, running like manic wilderbeasts! Jumping across phone boxes this is a very impressive advert visually, so well done to Nintendo and the people behind it!Scene Eight Jumping out of busses and slamming into advertising hoardings is not a good shortcut, perhaps push the 'Bus Stop' button and wait for the driver to slow down and come to a stop. It will make your journey far more enjoyable and claret free.Scene Nine Like ants people from all over the city descend on one solitary store, so far not one reference to Nintendo, so we presume it is something to do with that...Scene Ten Genius, like a clan of Mystic Megs we are! So, a Nintendo advert shows that all of these people have risked life limb and employment to get a Nintendo product, marvellous! set>Scene Eleven A quick costume change and the entire crows becomes a mass of Mario's, Luigi's, Samus' and even some Yoshi's. We have to admit we had a little chuckle at this bit, great work Nintendo!Scene Twelve And the slogan finishes it all off. Some very clever work is on show here, and is a good step in advertising for Nintendo. This groovy little trailer will be running in USA cinemas for the next few months (starting November) and we can only hope that we get to see excellent advertising like this!Post Your comments below.
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