First Shots of New Wii Box

By Shane Jury 01.10.2009 7

First Shots of New Wii Box on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Since the console's release, Nintendo have kept the design of the packaging relatively simple, with the name plastered on all sides, the boring legal stuff on the side, and a picture of the console itself on the front.
Not a lot has changed for the new Sports Bundle, with a Motionplus replacing the original remote, and the Resort tag taking priority over the old Wii Sports one. The box is now a little wider too;

Image for First Shots of New Wii Box

Image for First Shots of New Wii Box

And for those considering a Wii purchase soon, this Gamestation bargain offer may sway you;

Image for First Shots of New Wii Box

Thanks to GoNintendo.

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Now thats a bargain. The UK has had to put up with some horrendous bundles across all consoles but this one ticks all the boxes.

That bundle is awesome!!
90% of bundles I see in store make you buy terrible games that you wouldn't buy otherwise, but that one is sexy SmilieSmilie

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Best bundle ever Smilie

Yes, great bundle! Every new Wii...mii should get this one. Get's you sleep games and sexy, dust-collecting accessoires.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Yeah that's a great bundle! Seems like a great time to jump in.

If I didn't own a Wii I'd be all over the Gamestation bundle. Smash, Wii Play (+extra Wiimote) AND Mario Kart with the Wii Wheel for free? I think we just found out which console will be the biggest seller in the Uk this October...

Great bundle, Currys are doing for £179.89, Wii, Wii Sports and Wii Sports resort, with Mario Kart and Wario Shake it.

Few other deals as well, but the gamestation one is good!

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