Ninja Captains Competition - Week 5

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.10.2009 1

Ninja Captains Competition - Week 5 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It's the penultimate week of our Ninja Captains competition for the chance to win a copy of the DS game, and DS console!

For 5 weeks we'll be giving you the chance to win a copy of the game, and for the lucky entrants who answer 5 right, there'll be a chance to win a DS console!

As developer Nordcurrent asked last week:

What would Fatty Ninja ideally choose to take instead of a Super Secret Disc?

Send your answers to jb[at] with the subject "Ninja Captains Week 5".

Slowly, he descends from the ceiling. Stealth like, Fat Ninja infiltrates the enemies base searching for the top secret disc that could finally help the Ninja Captains destroy their most devious enemy yet,
the giant mouse who has taken over the world!

Up above, in the air vents Gadget Ninja, Clumsy Ninja and Warrior Ninja watch in vain as Fat Ninja moves ever closer to the disc, when suddenly something catches his eye. With his nose twitching and his stomach rumbling Fat Ninja has a decision to make; does he collect the top secret disc or the
hot, fresh, fully loaded hamburger?

Competition Rules

  • For this part of the competition, you have until midnight Wednesday 7th October to send in your answers.
  • UK residents only.
  • No cash alternative will be offered, nor any compensation for lost prizes.
  • No staff from Nordcurrent/Cubed3 may enter the competition.
  • Nordcurrent will be putting out another viral video next week, so to prepare here's the next Ninja Captains competition question:

    What would the Ninja Captains really like to "fish" out of the truck?

    Box art for Ninja Captains








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    European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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    Did I miss week 2-4? Oh well, I'm not interested in a game where somebody flashes his privates.

    But I did think my answer 'Persians' was genious. Smilie

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