Cubed3 | Competition Results

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.10.2003 1

Viewtiful Joe Merchandise
Competition Results

The viewtiful Joe Competition gave members the chance to obtain some exclusive themed merchandise, not available to purchase in stores, from Capcom and the online street team.

The Answers to the questions can be found below:

1) Who is Joe's girlfriend?

Sylvia is Viewtiful Joe's girlfriend with Sally and Susan being unrelated names. A majority of people managed to obtain this for it was featured in game, video and media coverage.

2) Which one of these is a move in Viewtiful Joe?
Slow Motion
Power Slice
Henjikata Jump

The second answer was the slow motion, with the other two again being unrelated. A majority also managed to obtain this answer, but several also chose the third.

3) Who produced Viewtiful Joe?
Hakiro Inora
Saturo Iwata
Atushi Inaba

Atushi Inaba is the producer of Viewtiful Joe. Saturo Iwata is the president of Nintendo and Hakiro Inora is non-existant. Only a minority managed to chose the correct answer, with the majority selecting Inora.

After a week of constant entries, all answers were totally and compared to the ones at hand. The set of entries with incorrect choices and the rather humorous one with all boxes ticked were disregarded and the winning selection each assigned a number. Using a generator, the winner was selected.

Congratulations to Mario for obtaining all the correct answers. Cubed3 shall contact you for the necessary postage details.

Many thanks to those who took part in the competition even those who ticked all the boxes and for Capcom and the Official Online Street Team for sponsoring the competition.

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Online Street Team

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