Industry | Nintendo achieves #1 Software position

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.10.2003 1

Nintendo's Position in Japan
#1 for primary fiscal year

The first half of the fiscal year in the business world is April through till September, and in this time software publishers release key games across various territories around the world. The main area where game sales are essential is the heart of the video games industry; Japan and various publishers earn a majority of their sales in this region.

During the primary half of 2003, Nintendo have reclaimed the position of the number one software distributor / publisher in Japan, recording higher sales than all other companies, with an estimated 3.1 million units sold.

Titles that boosted the Kyoto based company to the top position included Super Mario Advance: 4 and the apparently highly addictive unique title, Wario Ware. According to Nintendo, their biggest selling franchise only partly contributed to the success of game sales for Pok

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