Goldeneye VC Long Past Discussion

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.09.2009 8

Goldeneye VC Long Past Discussion on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Rare was recently quizzed once more on the possibility of re-releasing N64 classic Goldeneye on the Virtual Console/Xbox Live Arcade.

With the studio's second first person shooter on the Nintendo 64, the much-loved Perfect Dark, heading to Microsoft's download service this year it's prompted shooter fans to quiz the team on whether or not Goldeneye has a chance. The answer - still no, and it's likely beyond the stage of discussion, but there's still a chance.

Why? Because of licensing agreements with Nintendo, Rare, Microsoft and James Bond license holder Activision (previously EA).

Q: Also, how about GoldenEye? I heard somewhere that Nintendo wants to put it on VC, and you want to put it on XBLA. Is this true? Could it be released on both platforms? Could an agreement be reached?

A: That was some time ago, my friend. Fate was against us that day. Destiny conspired to raise the hurdles even as we attempted to clear them, resulting in unpleasant groinal injury. I suspect we're long past the stage where an agreement was on the cards, but you never know. Stranger things have happened… somewhere… probably.

As featured in the September 18th edition of Scribes. Thanks to Nintendo Everything.

Box art for GoldenEye 007





First Person Shooter



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I like their response. Anyway, I hope they haven't also ruled out bringing Perfect Dark to VC. No quibbling with Activision would be necessary for that.

I can see it now

we want this for 360 only can we have it?

Hmmm what about VC?

why will we care about old fan fuck them if we can well have just taked it and put it on 360 only but we cant do that on our what you say

well fuck you then

Smilie well close to that

( Edited 20.09.2009 22:43 by Jump_button )

that doesnt sound like good news at all. whatever anyway we shouldnt be dwelling on past N64 games we should be loving the newer james bond games so step up Activision!

stfu, buy a N64 and just get it, there are loads of copys floating somewhere of it, i ended up with 2 for free out of nowhere and gave one away. I hate all this re-release crap, if you wanna play it so bad then just play it, its already out, on N64! Don't have one? BUY ONE, it'll probably cost the same as if you got it on VC or whatever anyway.

I wouldn't play Perfect Dark (or Goldeneye) unless it was with the original N64 controller or Wiimote. I have Perfect Dark on my PC and I can't aim at all with digital keys (actually the auto-lockon makes the game pretty easy, considering).

Personally, it's not worth the effort. The game isn't quite the catch. It's level design may be great, but the graphics are utterly devastatingly bad. My opinion: save your Energy for something else, Nintendo, and if you have to rerelease this game, then remake it and tweak the flaws and graphics.

It's banned in Germany, anyway...

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

If Banjo got onto XBLA then i think that Nintendo can get teh rights to have this on VC, because it was after all a Nintendo console game. So I hope that the nice people at Rare will let Nintendo have the rights.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Yeah, it's not happening. Just like Shenmue III. It doesn't matter, XBLA is getting Perfect Dark, which is basically the better version of GoldenEye, anyway. So fans don't have too much to be upset about.

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