Konami Brings Storybooks to Nintendo's Wii

By Adam Riley 15.09.2009 1

Konami Brings Storybooks to Nintendo

Konami has today revealed a new game trailer from the upcoming family entertainment title, Storybook Workshop. Scheduled to be released this Autumn in North America, Storybook Workshop immerses children and their parents in sixteen classic children's fairy tales and fables and many other exciting features. Through the use of the included USB microphone, you can read along, record and play back readings of your favorite stories, including the most beloved tales from Hans Christian Andersen, the Brothers Grimm, Aesop and around the world.

Storybook Workshop's unique microphone functionality will even magically change your voice to sound like the characters in the stories, including fairies, giants and robots! Continue the fun with your children in a lively sing-along room where nursery rhymes come to life right in front your children's eyes, and watch as they learn rhythm, language, numbers and shapes in the exciting Play&Learn mode. Your kids can track their progress by using a virtual sticker pad, which will get pre-schoolers excited and motivated to continue to read and complete the stories.

Key Features

  • 16 beloved children's fairy tales for you to listen to or perform, including Little Red Riding Hood, The Ugly Duckling and The Golden Goose,
  • Record your readings and replay later,
  • Magic Voice feature alters your voice to match in-game characters' speech as you read,
  • Sing along to four classic children's songs and record your performances,
  • Earn the option to use your Mii in select stories,
  • Track your progress using a virtual sticker pad - get rewarded for stories completed and see how much you've accomplished!

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