1st Screens of Game Arts' WiiWare Title

By Adam Riley 14.09.2009 2

1st Screens of Game Arts

Game Arts is renowned for its work on the Grandia RPG series, but is now ready to show off its first WiiWare project. The developer has worked on several entries in the Grandia franchise, but more recently completed work alongside Sora and Nintendo on the Super Smash Bros. Brawl Wii project, as well as creating Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Smash Up! for Ubisoft, also on Wii. Now, though, the game that was announced on a long list of upcoming WiiWare games way back at Nintendo's 2008 Autumn Conference in Japan (along with the likes of FujiSoft's Wii Theatre Channel, Taito's Bubble Bobble and Rainbow Islands, plus Karaoke JoySound) has finally had the lid lifted on it.

Originally going by the lengthy name of Kage no Shounen, Hikari no Yousei, which roughly translated as 'Boy of Shadow, Fairy of Light', Game Arts has re-named it the much more succinct 'Shadow Walker'. Whilst no details are known right now, the first screens have been revealed to show a very colourful adventure, with a main character that looks similar to the cel-shaded version of Link from The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, and a setting that is quite reminiscent to Hudson's Tower of Shadow.

Be sure to check out the screenshots in the media folder below and let us know what you think of its look...

Box art for The Magic Obelisk
Also known as

Shadow Walker: Kage no Shounen to Hikari no Yousei


Game Arts


Game Arts





C3 Score

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European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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Considering Game Arts made Grandia 2, I'll be keeping a very close eye on this. Smilie

Grandia 2 was great, I agree!

Despite Game Arts being a company, that makes a lot of games and assets for games I am not deep into (like TMNT), I think they make a good job.
I really want a pair of great Wiiware titles being more then the quick jumper or the like.
Lost Wind was something I want, Ikarian Oddissey, My Life as a King / Dark Lord... There are great and big games possible on Wiiware's 40 MB restriction. This one looks promising, too!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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