Ninja Captains Competition: Week 2

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.09.2009 3

Ninja Captains Competition: Week 2 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It's the second week of our Ninja Captains competition for the chance to win a copy of the DS game, and DS console at the end!

For the next 5 weeks we'll be giving you the chance to win the game, and for the lucky entrants who answer 5 right, there'll be a chance to win a DS console!

As developer Nordcurrent asked last week:

Q: Which race of Greek heroes from the past (immortalised in film) would be as brave as a warrior ninja cat?

Competition Rules

  • For this part of the competition, you have until midnight Wednesday 16th September to send in your answers.
  • UK residents only.
  • No cash alternative will be offered, nor any compensation for lost prizes.
  • No staff from Nordcurrent/Cubed3 may enter the competition.

    Send your answers to jb[at] with the subject "Ninja Captains Week 1".

    And without further ado, here´s next week´s question:

    Name the magician who would be best suited to teach the Ninja Captains some magic?

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    I don't get why the guy opens his robe in front of the cats....

    Assuming it's a DSi, looks a fun little contest :3

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