Media | Sonic Heroes

By James Temperton 10.10.2003 1

Sonic Heroes
Decent Sonic title in 3D...could it be?

SEGA's legendary mascot Sonic The Hedgehog makes his historic multi-platform debut and embarks on his biggest adventure ever, with his trademark blazing speed and a new gameplay twist in "Sonic Heroes." Sonic and his friends have evolved, adopting a configuration feature that lets gamers control three playable characters simultaneously, using Sonic's speed, Knuckles' power, and Tails' ability to fly, to conquer massive worlds. This team-based gameplay marks the next evolution in Sonic's gaming career, taking platform gaming to a completely new level. Using the three formations and the powerful moves that each team member has, Sonic and his friends combine forces to battle the ultimate evil.

  • Play as one of four teams for a total of 12 playable characters - Team Sonic, Team Dark, Team Rose, or Team Chaotix - each with their own unique signature moves and story line

  • Each team boasts multiple specialized stages with unique missions and CG movies driving each "team" story forward

  • Experiment with team formations to learn the best way to defeat enemies, solve puzzles, and navigate massive environments

  • Each stage contains multiple paths and missions for maximum replayability

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