Breaking | PS3 in 2006!

By James Temperton 08.10.2003 1

Its the year to be in!

At an event held in Yokohama city, Japan, Sony have today announced that the 'Cell' chip will go into mass production during the latter half of 2005. It had been originally thought that the new super-chip would go into production sometime next year but it would seem that this is untrue. This latest news puts the PS3 back a year, meaning the machine should be available to punters in 2006.

The significance of this is obvious, Nintendo are planning to launch their next consoles to go into direct competition with Sony's PS3. There was something of an uproar when Nintendo announced 2006 as the year to look forward to, but with this latest development things seem much better for Nintendo, much better indeed. More on this soon!

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