Guitar Hero 5 Wii DLC Details, SDHC Support, Existing DLC

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.08.2009 8

Guitar Hero 5 Wii DLC Details, SDHC Support, Existing DLC on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Guitar Heroes can have the full download experience on the Wii with new storage details from Activision.

The upcoming edition of Guitar Hero 5 won't be stripped down on Wii. With the latest firmware updates adding SDHC capacity, developer Vicarious Visions has gone about making the online aspects as close to the Xbox 360/PS3 versions as possible, including constantly updated Guitar Hero news updates, song previews, SD-card streaming and the ability to convert songs from recent Guitar Hero outings to download.

  • Constantly updated news page with updates on new content in the GH store - from the main menu.
  • Not limited to single track downloads on Wii any more - full albums, track packs will be available alongside single songs. Priced accordingly and can be purchased all at once.
  • Previews for songs available - so a whole pack or album can be bought depending on how much of an album ,or pack, you like.
  • Part-specific difficulties shown to see how tough tracks will be once you're jamming to them.
  • Runs like any good online-music store, allowing users to pause active downloads and redownload existing tracks that might have been removed.
  • Song data streamed and saved onto SD/SDHC cards. Activision have quoted that over 800 tunes can fit into a 32GB SHDC card, with improved audio quality and loading times from previous versions.
  • A small fee can be paid (by using a code on previous GH games - World Tour and Smash Hits) to convert all disc content into DLC for Guitar Hero 5 online. This is to cover relicensing the songs for a new game. Past tunes will now have GH5-specific features and be compatible with the new modes and improved quality.
  • The "Rock Archive" allows you to see an overview of SD and internal Wii memory, shuffle files about and organise your collection, moving files around one by one or in batch.

    Thanks to IGN.

    What do you think of the Wii improvements? Do you feel this move will encourage other developers (and Nintendo) to bring better DLC to the console?

  • Box art for Guitar Hero 5








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    Sounds good. It's like the Wii finally gets to play with the big boys in the park, instead of having to sit in the sand box.

    Canyarion said:
    Sounds good. It's like the Wii finally gets to play with the big boys in the park, instead of having to sit in the sand box.

    They never had to...
    They alredy were with the big boys.. one small improvement doesn't mean one huge difference

    I..I can't watch porn. My Mommy finds out

    Smilie open the gate of DLC so when are the new mario levels coming? Smilie

    Captian said:
    Canyarion said:
    Sounds good. It's like the Wii finally gets to play with the big boys in the park, instead of having to sit in the sand box.

    They never had to...
    They alredy were with the big boys.. one small improvement doesn't mean one huge difference

    In certain areas of gaming nintendo are the small kids in the sand box. I mean, this is the first of their consoles to use standard propriety discs, the first to support online gaming (and boy was that a slow process), we've only just got DLC on board, The whole storage thing is still not the best scenario.

    The Gamecube supported online gaming no worse then the PS2 did. The PS2 just had better support overall, thats all.
    Given the DS's decent online too (free in shitloads of places over europe) , really they havnt been that far behind except compared to Microsoft.

    Anyway, this all sounds good....but thats *40MB* a music track by their logic if that 800 on 32GB is true.
    Thats pretty big for one song. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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    Darkflame said:
    The Gamecube supported online gaming no worse then the PS2 did. The PS2 just had better support overall, thats all.
    Given the DS's decent online too (free in shitloads of places over europe) , really they havnt been that far behind except compared to Microsoft.

    Anyway, this all sounds good....but thats *40MB* a music track by their logic if that 800 on 32GB is true.
    Thats pretty big for one song.

    The criticism was referred to home consoles. Online this generation has been a slow work in process which still isnt where xbox or PS3 are at the moment. So yes they are very far behind. And it is mostly nintendos fault since most of the big releases dont support online or wii speak. Not to mention the stupid friend code situation. Wii resort for a title that touts group play seems ridiculous to not support online. A future 2D mario game supposedly cant run an online mode. If nintendo wont support these functions properly other devs wont.

    I think that tracks were similar size (40MB) in World Tour. Remember, these aren't MP3 files.

    However, I was under the impression that not ALL on-disc songs would be able to convert to GH5. This article says 152/158 DLC songs will be importable while "some" World Tour/Smash Hits songs will be. "Some" is pretty low on the generic quantifiers scale, below "half", "many" and "most".

    Probably what's most impressing about this is that they care. World Tour sold leagues better on Wii than the other systems, despite the lacking features. Yet the developers worked on improving the Wii version anyway. A lot of companies would've not bothered, knowing it would still sell a lot better on the Wii without the improvements. These guys deserve some major props.

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