Nintendo Patents Horseback Controller

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.08.2009 20

Nintendo Patents Horseback Controller on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have come up with some wacky peripherals throughout the years, this might just be one of the oddest: a horseback controller.

Essentially it's a small seat, which looks like some sort of potty for kids, with a slot with a Wii remote, and the nunchuck being used to simulating holding onto the reins: "a raised hand for balance as in Bronco riding, a lasso, a sword or other weapon, etc."

The seat, the size of a regular cushion, could be made of foam or another material - possibly inflatable for ease of use/packaging - much like an exercise ball.

Image for Nintendo Patents Horseback Controller

For example, the Wii main unit can display the back of a horse's head and background of a trail, a field, a battlefield or other environment the virtual horse is being ridden through (see Figure 1A). The image may change in response to detected motion of the user.

Nintendo's also suggesting riding other animals - bulls, camels, elephants etc, even the more fantasy-driven beasts - dragons, unicorns, giant eagles as examples. It wouldn't be restricted to living creatures either, with other suggestions including hang gliders, magic carpets and jet-skis.

Image for Nintendo Patents Horseback Controller

Thanks to Siliconera.

What do you think of the idea; could a peripheral like this work? Do we need even more clutter? What games/genres do you think this might work with if it's created?

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Smilie do not want!

Man-Baby takes a dump on a futuristic potty, whilst playing a videogame.

That is truly bizarre.

"Do we need even more clutter?"

Bloody good point. All these peripherals and addons do seem a bit much in recent times, and something like this potty would take up even more space in the games room.

I'm just not buying this one at all. These sort of silly peripherals still don't make me want to go out and buy a Wii.

I did envision perhaps Zelda horseback riding with this addon, but I sure as hell wouldn't want it to be used in the next Zelda for Wii. If it is, please make it an optional thing only (which I'm sure it would be).

Just no.
/End point.

You can\'t be serious. Ok that\'s it. I\'ve had enough. This is just getting ridiculous. You guys want me to have more faith in you? Stop making needless peripherals. You have to make the SOFTWARE first!!! Wth Nintendo? What the hell? I\'m this close to going into rant mode.

Still though.....

A print money reference or alteration of it is needed.

EDIT: The only way I could find all these periphs working is if they cross it over to their next gen console and give their full attention to developing the SOFTWARE for it.

Can\'t believe this would be my 100th post.

( Edited 11.08.2009 13:36 by Teetrab )

Diablo II
"I'll make weapons from your bones!" - The Smith Paladin: I will cleanse this wilderness. Deckard Cain: Stay a while and listen!

Nope, I'm going to go counter to the common view here.
If it enhaces force-feedback, this has some use. A lot moreso then the vitality sensor, anyway.

A force-feedback cushion, with tilt sensing, actually offers quite a lot, imho.
Its a smaller/cheaper version of the force-feedback chairs you find for the PC.

Sure, it looks silly, but I can picture it adding a lot if used in the right ways.
For example, a moter-bike game where you can lean to the side, as well as feeling the engine under you. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Were it not for the first picture that could SO be some sort of strange sex simulator. Utterly odd.

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

I wouldn't be comfortable with that thing moving against my crotch SmilieSmilie

I..I can't watch porn. My Mommy finds out

Terrible, I hope that's fake.

I'd love motion control in my Zelda horse riding, but not this way. I ride horse in real life, and this has nothing to do with how you control a horse.

And just how many games are likely to end up using it? You think Nintendo would release a full-blown horse racing game that comes with it? How many people would really buy it? I don't think horse racing is popular enough or interesting enough to warrant people to buy something like this.

A few party games would be designed for it, perhaps, and it'd probably be an optional peripheral to give a "more realistic interpratation" of riding a bike or horse in certain games where you might use a bike or horse at one point or another.

But I just don't see this catching on at all. If it's not going to be expensive to produce, then it might not be such a big deal for Nintendo if it doesn't catch on. It's not like it's a Wii Fit balance board or anything, right?

Maybe I'm looking too much into it at the moment, but personally, I think it's just a little too much. It's certainly not giving me any incentive to go out and buy a Wii.

Put some force feedback in that puppy and Nintendo will wrangle in scads more casual players... You sure Nintendo disallows adult content?

Just because it's been patented doesn't mean it's going to be real. It's probably just an idea that Nintendo patented just to be on the safe side. I mean, Nintendo got sued because someone got a patent that had something that the big N had already used for there GC controller that they didn't patent themselves. Atleast this way, with them filing hundreds of patent designs. They won't get sued for anything they released.

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Obviously, this will be used for the future Zelda game.

This controller will be used for times when you need to ride Epona, and will feature very exciting gameplay.
You have to bob yourself up and down (much like riding a real horse) to make your digital pony go. The more you bob up and down, the faster you go.

It\'s part of Nintendo\'s plan to expand the gaming system out of the virtual world and into your living room, and the next Legend of Zelda will be the first to use it.

It will also include a new ocarina peripheral, where you slide an attatchment onto the Wii Remote and blow into a section of it, while pressing buttons with your fingers, much like a real ocarina.

There will also be a peripheral much like a pedometer; you attatch it to your shoes. While it won\'t be used for running, it will be used for using the iron boots. If you hop up off the ground, much like Link does in Twilight Princess, it will cycle through your pairs of boots.

The bow and arrow will work much like many had envisioned before: you pull back on the nunchuk to simulating pulling a bow, and to let it fly, you just drop the nunchuk where it is. For this reason, wireless nunchuks are not recommended.

The game will feature full use of the Motion Plus, and you must swing the remote around like a real sword to make Link do the same on screen.

The shield will be controlled by the nunchuk much like the sword by the Wii remote. It will also make use of the shoe peripheral mentioned before; to shield, you simply kneel down on one knee and put the nunchuck before you.

There\'s also another exciting feature which uses the pedometer peripheral; and it introduces the ability to do the much-loved downward stab motion from past games. You simply jump into the air and thrust the Wii remote downward.

There will be a new item that is kind of like the hoverboard from Back to the Future, but instead of hovering on futuristic technology, it uses magic. To use it in-game, you will use the Wii Balance board much like you do for snowboarding mini-games.

But best of all, there\'s a new peripheral that is essentially a small base, and there\'s a wire that runs up from it and into a colorful ball. The wire is moveable, so it will sway back and forth whenever there is something nearby, simulating your very own annoying fairy companion!

Since there are obviously a lot of peripherals required to play the game, you have two options. You can either put a different Wii remote in each peripheral and they will all connect for single-player gaming, or you can buy the upcoming peripheral, Wii hub. It plugs into a single Wii remote, and has wires that will connect to the controller slots of every peripheral mentioned, and theoretically, you could plug in an infinite number of peripherals by buying more splitters.

Don\'t ask me how I know this, I know a guy whose brother\'s girlfriend\'s dad works as a janitor at IGN so he gets all the know way in advance. Also for the new Zelda, it\'ll feature full voice acting, Burt Reynolds will be voicing Link.

( Edited 11.08.2009 22:00 by justonesp00lturn )

NNID: crackedthesky
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Stulaw said:
Just because it's been patented doesn't mean it's going to be real. It's probably just an idea that Nintendo patented just to be on the safe side. I mean, Nintendo got sued because someone got a patent that had something that the big N had already used for there GC controller that they didn't patent themselves. Atleast this way, with them filing hundreds of patent designs. They won't get sued for anything they released.

This, exactly. Lots of crap gets patented. Much of it never gets used or made.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Canyarion said:
Terrible, I hope that\'s fake.

I\'d love motion control in my Zelda horse riding, but not this way. I ride horse in real life, and this has nothing to do with how you control a horse.

Not side/side, but leaning forward/backwards to go faster the horse\'s Ive ridden picked up on.

But I think mostly though the potential is in feedback, not input.

Allthough moterbikes would work.

Or, if you stand on it, Segways Smilie

( Edited 11.08.2009 22:46 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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feed back is slightly overrated. no contraption could give u a realistic response to recreate how it feels to sit on any form of moving object. A little bit of vibration is not the answer. you would need a hydraulic type contraption.But then your going over the top. I can happily use my imagination and leave this for the arcades.
No more peripherals, you better of supporting the ones you released. AKA wii speak, wii board and no! sequels to wii fit are not enough. Give us 1080 already and a platformer.

( Edited 12.08.2009 09:36 by meeto_0 )

For Ra's sake Nintendo, you already have the Balance Board on the market, can't you, you know, actually use it? Smilie

Wii: Ponyz!!!!

Conduit FC: 0431-6660-0908

I really want to know who\'s responsible for developing this shit. On second though, maybe I\'m better off being ignorant.

Also, the guy in the first figure looks like some sort of futuristic, jumpsuit-clad Bill Murray who, judging by his facial expression, may well be hammered with tranquilizers.

( Edited 13.08.2009 23:34 by gatotsu911 )

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