More LucasArts Classics Due for Virtual Console

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.08.2009 4

More LucasArts Classics Due for Virtual Console on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

LucasArts has confirmed that in addition to Super Star Wars, released this week on the virtual console, the sequels will follow.

The publisher confirmed today that the Super Star Wars sequels - The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi will be joining the service in a few weeks, both priced at 800 Wii points.

With that in mind, some of the later LucasArts titles may also be selected, including a number of Star Wars titles for the N64, including Rogue Squadron and Episode 1: Racer.

Thanks to Shacknews.

What other LucasArts / Star Wars games would you like to see included in the Virtual Console line-up?

Box art for Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi





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Our member of the week

i don't know if we'll ever see Rogue Squadron make it to the VC. It was an intensive title that used custom microcode to get the best out of the N64, which is already really hard to emulate on PC.

So they would have to use yet another dynamic recompiler to emulate lucas arts N64 game, which would cost to produce. I don't see them pushing THAT hard to get them on the VC.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Woohoo! It\'s about damn time! Smilie Now, we just need them to release Shadows of the Empire, Rogue Squadron, Episode I: Racer, and Battle for Naboo (with the Expansion Pak enhancements for the last three). I would download them right now if they were available. lol

@Kafei2006: Yeah, I\'m a bit concerned about that. Hopefully, LA will go through with a VC Rogue Squadron release, regardless. I REALLY want it. lol

( Edited 11.08.2009 00:38 by MechaG2 )

Chance favors the prepared mind.

YES!!!!! Super Star Wars was AWESOME!!!!! May seriously consider downloading.

...So let me get this straight. Lucasarts, one of the most stubborn developers ever for letting loose their back catalogue, are now sticking three of my favourite SNES games up for download?


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