Iwata: Nintendo Trying to Improve E3 Conferences

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.08.2009 14

Iwata: Nintendo Trying to Improve E3 Conferences on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

This year's E3 conference was a decent one for Nintendo, however company president Satoru Iwata says: Nintendo can improve.

Despite revealing the follow up to Super Mario Galaxy, a co-op "classic" Mario game, surprise Metroid debut and various other tid-bits, for a large chunk of fans and press the whole affair seemed to be lacking that something special to top it all off.

With more years of E3 conferences to come, Iwata hopes to be able to convey future products in a more fun and relevant way.

As for the media briefing at E3, of course we had many internal discussions after that. Honestly speaking, none of us at Nintendo thought that our presentation at E3 was as good as it could have been. It is apparent that we could not fully convey the charm of our products. In the past, Wii Sports and Wii Fit were naturally able to convey their appeal on stage since it was something no one had ever seen or imagined before. People seemed to capture the appeal of Wii Sports instantly and although there was some initial confusion with Wii Fit, its appeal did get through to the audience afterwards. This year, however, with the New Super Mario Bros. Wii, four people lined up with Wii Remotes was not a scene that no one had ever seen. Those who actually had the chance to play understood how the game would change with four people playing simultaneously, but we could not address that fun sentiment at the media briefing.

Now we strongly feel that we need to look into finding a better way to demonstrate the products' appeal better at E3 in these times where more people are watching it online via web cast not only in the U.S. but all around the world, than the number of audience who actually watch it in the theatre. In that sense, we learned many lessons from this year's E3 show. After the media briefing, we had a domestic trade briefing in Japan. There we disclosed the black Wii console and red Nintendo DSi, which made a big buzz among game fans. It is also an important lesson for next year.

Thanks to Nintendo Everything.

What do you think of Nintendo's performances in recent years? How would you improve their, and other publishers' conferences?

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Less charts, less bragging about old people playing games, better demonstrations (Sony made their little wand thing look more fun than Motion+, even if they're pretty much the same), less Cammie.

Do those and it'd be a good start Smilie

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This years showing was pretty junk! you are better then that nintendo!

I just wish (kind of) that they would talk less like they were reading from a script that they've practiced memorizing every word for the past month. That would be a good start.

SuperLink said:
less Cammie.

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The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

I agree, less Cammie- she just doesn't portray "gamer" to me. At least with Reggie, he gave off the vibe that he was a gamer and he could give us a challenge should he ever play a fan. With Cammie, she has this plastic smile that looks seriously fake, she does not give me any vibe indicating she is a gamer, and because of those two reasons, I do not take her seriously.

Nintendo should really have somebody else- a real gamer, do the presentations. At least that way anything that is shown during the press conference will have that extra spice- as opposed to the "PR-esque" Cammie.

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Nintendos E3 was boring, even with some good announcemnts there show put me to sleep. They spent all there time bragging about sales and playing NSMB when they should of given games more stage space, titles like Monado, Endless Ocean 2, Line attack Heroes etc...

Less Cammie, less Reggie (I can't stand the bollocks he talks) and only bring Shigeru out on special occasions, they use him too much.

Too much bragging, too many facts and figures. They are boring they are not hard to find else where. More trailers of big games.
more in game footage and if you have the next big thing (motion plus) use more exciting grander games to show it of.
Dont use what is a collection of mini sport games. Especially when you demoed it last year.

If you read the statement its clear he still doesnt fully get it. His head is stuck in those stupid wii adverts. The ones that focus more on the players then the game. Sounds like he wants the next E3 to be a giant wii advert. I cant wait (sarcasm)

( Edited 10.08.2009 09:54 by meeto_0 )

E3 *is* a giant advert. It *is* just the industry self-congradulating itself and hypeing stuff good and bad.

Id wish they not worry about dumb gameshows at all.
I know Im in the minority here, but I dont think they help the gamers or the companys at all.

Just tell us about games when they are ready. 3 months before release is fine by me.
Dont rush announcements or delay them for a gameshow. When your ready.

( Edited 10.08.2009 10:25 by Darkflame )

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Of course E3 is a giant advert. Just depends what kind of advert you want. If you want E3 to focus the cameras on the people playing the game opposed to the game itself then by the sounds of it next E3 is for you.

If game footage cant convey the excitement and fun of the game it might not be that good.
Telling the public about any type of media release 3months before release sounds extremely naive. You want it to sell.

E# wasn't spectaculor for ninty, but it was a hell lot better than E3 in 2008. atleast this time we were given a SMG 2, a look at a new Metroid and finally reveling a new Zelda at Miyamoto's round table.

I think they need to not brag as much though.

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

Just show an image of the new Zelda and you will win my heart back... Smilie

Well, the good news is they recognize how dissatisfying the last couple of years have been for their longtime fans. They might want to start by looking to none other than themselves for guidance - I'm sure I'm not the only one who believes that the Nintendo E3 '04 conference was the one E3 conference by which all others are to be judged.

Just make a bunch of bullshit up to get people excited. Outrageous claims, prerendered trailers, games that don\'t actually exist yet- it doesn\'t matter. And when you don\'t deliver 10 months later, no one will care because they are looking forward to the next E3.

( Edited 11.08.2009 04:19 by PMD )

PMD said:
Just make a bunch of bullshit up to get people excited. Outrageous claims, prerendered trailers, games that don't actually exist yet- it doesn't matter. And when you don't deliver 10 months later, no one will care because they are looking forward to the next E3.

So in other words you want them to be more or less like Sony?

I don't post much, but I will appreciate any feedback on the posts I do make. Feel free to PM

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