Nintendo: 4 Million Sellers in 3 Months

By Adam Riley 03.08.2009 6

Nintendo: 4 Million Sellers in 3 Months on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has revealed in its latest financial briefing that four of its titles achieved over a million sales worldwide over the period of three months. For the three-month period that ended 30th June, 2009, Wii Fit, Mario Kart Wii and Wii Sports all continued to show extremely healthy sales legs, whilst Pokemon Platinum joined in the fun to show that the series of portable RPGs has no intention of slowing down anytime soon.

Check out the numbers below (numbers include hardware pack-ins):

  • Pokemon Platinum (NDS) - 1,910,000 (Lifetime: 5,660,000)
  • Wii Fit (Wii) - 3,600,000 (Lifetime: 21,820,000)
  • Mario Kart Wii (Wii) - 2,000,000 (Lifetime: 17,390,000)
  • Wii Sports (Wii) - 1,910,000 (Lifetime: 47,620,000)

Box art for Pokémon Platinum Version

The Pokemon Company




Turn Based RPG



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Haha, I just bought Pokemon Platinum last month. I contributed, yay!

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Wii Fit and Mario Kart Wii's sales are staggering.

I figured Wii Sports Resort would be one as well.

And it's amazing how MKW and WF keep selling.

With 21million Balance Boards out there, I wonder why Nintendo haven't bothered releasing any other balance board focused games. Smilie

Wii Music Drums and Punch Out! don't count. Smilie

Canyarion said:
I figured Wii Sports Resort would be one as well.

And it's amazing how MKW and WF keep selling.

i Know? Really it's like wow Smilie

I..I can't watch porn. My Mommy finds out

wAyNe - sTaRT said:
With 21million Balance Boards out there, I wonder why Nintendo haven't bothered releasing any other balance board focused games. Smilie

Wii Music Drums and Punch Out! don't count. Smilie

Nintendo seem to be forming a terrible habit where they take a concept and release one game for it then move on. Online play was explored with mario kart, wii speak explored with animal crossing, wii board- wii fit.

why cant NSMB or resort have online? why isnt there an on rails platformer that uses the balance board

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