Media | FX Racing

By James Temperton 07.10.2003 1

FX Racing
Its good, or so we're told...

Game Data

Leading Italian developer Milestone, part of the Leader Group of companies, today announced FX Racing for Xbox, PS2, PC and GameCube as part of its line-up for 2004. The arcade racing game is being developed by respected race game developer Milestone, who is based in Milan, Italy. Milestone previously created Super Bikes for EA and Racing Evoluzione (aka Apex in the USA) for Atari.

FX Racing aims to take multi-player driving action to new extremes with up to 4 players competing against each other and AI controlled opponents head-to-head in split screen mode or via Xbox Live, PS2 Online and PC over the Internet.

Milestone's Managing Director, Antonio Farina commented, "We specialise in producing high quality racing games. FX Racing combines the key elements of fast-paced race action with awesome stunts and weapons and will be one of our key titles for 2004."

He added, "As Italians we love to drive cars like maniacs

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