russraine said:
Sorry that is rubbish. I don't doubt that perhaps 2% of people who use flashcards only use them for good. However to disprove your point I did the following.
I typed DS Homebrew into Google and got 772,000 results.
I then typed DS ROM and got over 11,000,000 results.
That in itself suggests that over 10x more people use it for piracy than homebrew. That doesn't even take into account if you use phrases like DS Torrent (16Million results)
That doesn't prove anything, I have to use those site as I do not have the equipment required to backup my games myself, same with many other people. Also, there is alot less homebrew than games out there, that's a bit OBVIOUS. The most used homebrew are Moonshell (media player) and NESDS (Nes Emulator), another popular one is ColorsDS (which was the main reason I bought the stupid thing). You have no basis on your claim as google results mean nothing as many sites pages will come up multiple times. And so I say, Good day to you SIR.