Euro DSi Update Adds Facebook Functionality

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.07.2009 22

Euro DSi Update Adds Facebook Functionality on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has been rolling out DSi Firmware update v1.4 around the globe, adding photo sharing via Facebook.

Owners of the camera-equipped portable can upload their snaps and distorted faces of friends and family direct to their account. Joystiq is also reporting faster image display in the camera itself.

Thanks to wAyNe - sTaRT.

Have you been using the DSi to share your photos? What do you think of the service, and the camera itself?

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And for all those flashcard users out there, it apparently blocks them at this time so... Smilie

There's also an updated DSi Internet Browser available for download. Not sure what it does though.

I've already uploaded a picture onto facebook. It's a neat little addition. Smilie

Good, I'll download it. Hopefully Nintendo will bring out some good apps, like on the ipod/iphone.

I still don't get the big deal about Facebook...

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09


I use Facebook to pretend I have friends and a life. It's brilliant. Smilie

Brilliant! Just updating my DSi now!

Onwards, TO NOWHERE! Proud owner of Farming Simulator 2013.

To me facebook is great to catch with friends you met over the years and have lost contact with them. I've got back in touch with all my friends from primary and secondary school.


If you DO NOT use a flashcard, or plan on using one, feel free to update. It increases camera speed and some other good things.

( Edited 30.07.2009 17:53 by edracon )

edracon said:

Yeah way to go, inform all the pirate scum about it why don't ya.

Facebook pic uploading times out for me, maybe it's busy - I'll try again later.

Hopefully they've speedied up the browser, probably just fixing a hole though.

Facebook always seems to get around XD

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russraine said:

Yeah way to go, inform all the pirate scum about it why don\'t ya.

Facebook pic uploading times out for me, maybe it\'s busy - I\'ll try again later.

Hopefully they\'ve speedied up the browser, probably just fixing a hole though.

Most people who use a flashcard do not use it for pirating, I don\'t use it for pirating. I use mine for homebrew and to have my whole NES collection with me, and some of my DS games. It makes it less of a hassle. (I OWN ALL THE GAMES I PLAY ON IT, and so do most people)

( Edited 31.07.2009 02:44 by edracon )

Most people who use a flashcard do not use it for pirating,

Ha ha ha ha. Good one.

( Edited 31.07.2009 03:41 by Mario_0 )

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^


Onwards, TO NOWHERE! Proud owner of Farming Simulator 2013.

Facebook Myspace are for ppl that like to think big of them self's and they think 10000 ppl on your f list are your real mates Smilie

Smilie what the hell to you do on them site's ? nothing why use it Smilie

edracon said:

Most people who use a flashcard do not use it for pirating, I don't use it for pirating. I use mine for homebrew and to have my whole NES collection with me, and some of my DS games. It makes it less of a hassle. (I OWN ALL THE GAMES I PLAY ON IT, and so do most people)

Sorry that is rubbish. I don't doubt that perhaps 2% of people who use flashcards only use them for good. However to disprove your point I did the following.

I typed DS Homebrew into Google and got 772,000 results.

I then typed DS ROM and got over 11,000,000 results.

That in itself suggests that over 10x more people use it for piracy than homebrew. That doesn't even take into account if you use phrases like DS Torrent (16Million results)

Jump_button said:
Facebook Myspace are for ppl that like to think big of them self's and they think 10000 ppl on your f list are your real mates Smilie

Smilie what the hell to you do on them site's ? nothing why use it Smilie

I've got about 50 friends on facebook. A lot are people from school who I haven't talked to for years so places like Facebook are a great way to keep in touch.

wAyNe - sTaRT said:
Jump_button said:
Facebook Myspace are for ppl that like to think big of them self\'s and they think 10000 ppl on your f list are your real mates Smilie

Smilie what the hell to you do on them site\'s ? nothing why use it Smilie

I\'ve got about 50 friends on facebook. A lot are people from school who I haven\'t talked to for years so places like Facebook are a great way to keep in touch.

dont you think that be better if you meeting up with them and really talk? really you need to keep in touch 24/7 what in god name happen in that time more worry about what going on in your own then some one you use to know at school

( Edited 31.07.2009 11:51 by Jump_button )

Jump_button said:
dont you think that be better if you meeting up with them and really talk? really you need to keep in touch 24/7 what in god name happen in that time more worry about what going on in your own then some one you use to know at school

Some have moved to different cities. People work or go to University. I don't keep in touch '24/7'. Facebook is a place where you can simply catch up in an easy and conveniant way. Were it not for facebook, I probably would have never seen a lot of these people again.

Facebook isn't just for catching up with old friends. It's also for keeping people up to date with current events in your life, having conversations, or arranging partys etc. It's called socialising. Smilie

so you dont give your mates room to grow dont you think they still be your mate when they come back?

I really hate how site's use friends for just about every one I can tell from real friends and ppl you just know well sites like this make you think in away that everyone your friends.

russraine said:

Sorry that is rubbish. I don't doubt that perhaps 2% of people who use flashcards only use them for good. However to disprove your point I did the following.

I typed DS Homebrew into Google and got 772,000 results.

I then typed DS ROM and got over 11,000,000 results.

That in itself suggests that over 10x more people use it for piracy than homebrew. That doesn't even take into account if you use phrases like DS Torrent (16Million results)

That doesn't prove anything, I have to use those site as I do not have the equipment required to backup my games myself, same with many other people. Also, there is alot less homebrew than games out there, that's a bit OBVIOUS. The most used homebrew are Moonshell (media player) and NESDS (Nes Emulator), another popular one is ColorsDS (which was the main reason I bought the stupid thing). You have no basis on your claim as google results mean nothing as many sites pages will come up multiple times. And so I say, Good day to you SIR.

No you're missing the point - if homebrew was more popular than ROM sharing it would get more results - FACT.

Just because you don't use it for pirating doesn't mean most people don't - would you like to show me evidence that more flash cards are purchased for homebrew than pirating, I and everyone else in the industry would be very interested to see it because this would go against all the internal data we have on piracy that you as a typical gamer do not see.

I know you want to defend the legitimate use of these cards and that's fair enough, but to say that most people use them for homebrew is ridiculous.

russraine said:
No you\'re missing the point - if homebrew was more popular than ROM sharing it would get more results - FACT.

FACT - even if a page has nothing to do with NDS roms or games it can give results if one of the two words is there. Or if the words are in the header (as most game download sites have) thus one site might have thousands upon thousands of results. \"Homebrew\" doesn\'t get this as most people don\'t even write the word \"homebrew\" when they release it. Google is a piece of crap with showing popularity.

FICTION - Large amounts of results must mean that the search is popular and used for bad reasons.


There is NO solid evidence that shows that flashcards are used more for piracy than for legitimate reasons (so yeah, I streached the truth a little in an earlier post, and I apologize for that).. the only place you would see alot of pirate (for anything) is most likley Russia.. I\'ve been there... That\'s pretty much the only thing they sold at the electronic stores I went to...

( Edited 04.08.2009 06:04 by edracon )

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