Nintendo of America Says no to Black Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.07.2009 15

Nintendo of America Says no to Black Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo of America has stated that there currently aren't any plans to release Wii colours other than the default White edition in the country.

When quizzed by GameDaily as to whether the Black-coloured Wii would retail outside Japan, the US branch of the gaming giant replied with the standard denial:

There are no plans to have other colors of Wii in the U.S.

Then again there might be plans in the future, so who can really ever tell.

Would you like to see other Wii colours - would you consider buying one? Do you feel it would bring in new folk who may have been reluctant to buy one before?

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Oh wow Nintendo are stupid >:3

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SuperLink said:
Oh wow Nintendo are stupid >:3


I would mind to see
*White whoops!

Looks sweet Smilie

I..I can't watch porn. My Mommy finds out

Racist ass Nintendo Smilie

Diablo II
"I'll make weapons from your bones!" - The Smith Paladin: I will cleanse this wilderness. Deckard Cain: Stay a while and listen!

It's only a matter of time - now Nintendo have the black plastic in the magic elf factory that the Wii's are made in it's not as if it will go away.

I'm fucking shocked. Smilie

*colors Wii with a black Sharpie*

So Gamecubes get released in Silver, Grey, Black, and original Purple; but Wii only gets the original White? The older brother always gets the special treatment!

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

Seriously.. Do people care about the color of the consoles?? I mean, I can understand that with handhelds but ...consoles?

Nintendos still saling more or less every Wii they make without problems.
Splitting production lines into colours will lose them more then the marginal amounts they would gain, imo. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I will get a black (or hopefully red or lime-green) wii-mote when the color is released. I already have a white Wii, but only two remotes.

It wouldn't effect my decision on getting one, but if I were to get one, and there was a choice of white or black - I'd go for black.

Guest 17.07.2009#11

Why are people reacting negatively to this?

They just said 'no comment' on a question basically. Think logically. Of course they're going to release the black Wii, they just don't want people holding off from buying a white one in the meantime.

I'm going for brotha Wii if I get one too.

fenixazul said:
Seriously.. Do people care about the color of the consoles?? I mean, I can understand that with handhelds but ...consoles?

Why is wanting a choice of colours for consoles not worth it, but a choice of colours for handhelds good?

Because he's a master at turning shit into gold.

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

Wasn`t the first pictures of the wii black? SmilieSmilie

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The only reason they're bringing the black Wii out in japan is because Wii sales have been quite low for a while. I'm sure the rest of the world will follow but as long as the White Wii continues to sell as well as it is, it'll be a while.

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