Nintendo Channel Updated in Japan

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.07.2009 6

Nintendo Channel Updated in Japan on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo are on the update rampage with a new Nintendo Channel released over in Japan with a new interface/refined features.

Users can now vary the quality for video streaming - standard or high quality, decided when first starting the new version of the channel. You can also create a list of favourite games you're interested in, and see a more detailed set of records for your collection. Searching is said to be improved, filtering games by genre, publisher etc.

Worldwide updates are likely to follow soon. Thanks to Joystiq.

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Hmmm, sounds fun. Wonder when it'll be coming to the US?

i might delete this channel, it never seems to have anything worth watching anyway Smilie

Watching? Its all about the DS demos, man Smilie
Games like Soul Bubbles need people trying demos else its not obvious how brillent they are
Incidently, regarding refinements;
I want filter-by-user-ranking on wiiware games. (only people playing an hour can rank stuff,remember)

Its -the- best method to ensure the rubbish stuff gets put to the bottom. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

I always watch the trailers it has. Even if I am not too interested in the game, I will watch the trailer.

It\'s pretty cool that you can rate DS games with it.

( Edited 18.07.2009 13:32 by Mario_0 )

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

They should just merge the Nintendo Channel with the Shop Channel as it's the Wii Shop Channel that'smost in need of a make over. Smilie

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