Free Willy and More For Japanese Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.07.2009 14

Free Willy and More For Japanese Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Want to download the likes of Batman Begins, Contact and Free Willy on your Wii? You can if you live in Japan.

Warner Entertainment Japan, Warner Brothers Digitial Distribution and Fujisoft, the creators of Everyone's Theatre Channel, have brought together an agreement for various Warner flicks to be streamed/rented on the Wii. From July 15th movie fans can watch Batman Begins, Contact, The Goonies, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory etc for a standard rental price of 300 WiiPoints for 48 hours.

Players who don't have the viewing app must also download the 500 points channel to play/browse. It's uncertain how frequently the service will be updated - but it seems promising with The Curious Case of Benjamin Button arriving simulatenously on DVD, Blu-Ray and Wii rental.

Thanks to IGN.

Would you like to see a similar service in the West? How much would you be willing to part (Wii Points wise) for a film or two?

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On that note, 500 points for the channel? Fuck off.

( Edited 15.07.2009 15:13 by xXxTin Can ManxXx )

1"We're mentalist psychic Scots , which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

Have to say if I was interested in a service like this the PS3 or Xbox seem to be the consoles I would turn to. Those companies just have more experience and a better understanding about this stuff. Plus they would be better able to stream HD content.

Like meeto_O says, I'd rather stream it to my PS3 or 360. If I had one. And if I wanted to pay for streaming movies.

I just realized JAPAN HUNTS FOR WHALES! How ironic.

Yeah you guys are right, Nintendo should tell them to go buy competing products to stream video.

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

Mario_0 said:
Yeah you guys are right, Nintendo should tell them to go buy competing products to stream video.

Is that sarcasm?

Nice to know Nintendo are offering such a service (Well actually Warner) but anyone who takes this up must be Xbox or PS3 less because such a deal is a right rip, that means each film will cost roughly £3 (depending on where you get your Wii points from) You might as well go and find Batman Begins, Free Willy or whatelse on DVD.

They all retail for that price roughly anyway!

Even so, most retailers are raising the price of Wii points to £20 for 2000 points as the RRP has gone up!

Yes, quite deserving at that.
Charging for the channel is monumentally stupid.

But, that said, the price for rentals itself seems ok though. And having this service on the Wii, in princple is great;

The Wii is, basicaly, the cheapest, fastest, internet-accessing tv device in the world is it not? I cant think of another device cheaper, (or with a larger install base, for that mater).
In principle, digital distribution on the Wii could be massive.

fyi, Contact is a superb film.

( Edited 16.07.2009 00:04 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Why pay $3 a movie for 48 hours when I can walk down the street and pay $0.99 a movie for a week? Smilie

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

Come on, Netflix Channel for Wii!

Might be the cheapest way to get online for digital streaming but I would much rather pay a few hundred on top and do it properly. Having to pay for the channel itself exposes nintendos overly greedy corporate side and its lack of understanding about certain business models.

I think it will end up as an underwhelming service like the DSi ware which after months has nothing to show for itself. cant say its got nothing to show for itself if its already got the films listed above...they are great films.

Also, fyi, while charging for the channel is stupid, you have no idea how \"gready\" Nintendo are being, all you know is the cost per film.

If its anything like DSi or WiiWare Nintendo are actualy being far LESS gready then the competition, and giving the highest percentage back to the creators.

( Edited 16.07.2009 10:43 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

I dont know the level of greed but that wasnt the point. It is one of those things you dont expect to pay for ever! I dont directly pay for IE or chrome so why does nintendo expect people to pay for opera on wii. I didnt pay for 4OD BBC iplayer or sky player when I downloaded them to my laptop.

Its just a minor criticism. If it came over here I wouldnt want to use it anyway even if it was free. Its one of things that nintendo do that leave me confused by their business practices

meeto_0 said:
Having to pay for the channel itself exposes nintendos overly greedy corporate side and its lack of understanding about certain business models.

Nintendo didn't create the channel though, so why are you blaming them?

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