Time to Focus on Pop+ Solo

By Mike Mason 14.07.2009

Time to Focus on Pop+ Solo on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nnooo have sent us a new trailer of their DSiWare bubble-popping-fest Pop Plus Solo. This time the footage is of the Focus bonus round, which challenges players to only pop bubbles of a certain colour as they float on past.

Of course, if our words aren't good enough and you'd prefer an explanation right from the horse's mouth, here's what Nnooo have to say about it.

"Pop only the colour you are instructed to. If you miss or pop a different colour you'll fail!"

A little Nnooo-shaped bird also tells us that the game has been submitted to Nintendo for testing and approval, so hopefully it won't be too long until it hits DSiWare now.

Are you looking forward to Pop Plus Solo?

Box art for Pop Plus: Solo








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