Pop+ Solo New Video: Detonate

By Mike Mason 06.07.2009

Pop+ Solo New Video: Detonate on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nnooo, developers of Pop on WiiWare, have sent over the latest video of the DSiWare follow up Pop+ Solo. The games are based around popping bubbles, making combos as you go to reach high scores to progress. This video features the bonus round Detonate, which appears to involve lots of bubble exploding. Or, in the words of Nnooo themselves:

Tap a bubble or pump it up to release a shockwave. Try to create a big chain reaction to score lots of points!

We'll keep you posted as we hear more about the title.

How do you think Pop+ Solo is looking? Have you played the original Pop on WiiWare?

Box art for Pop Plus: Solo








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