Preview | Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike

By James Temperton 04.10.2003 1

Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike
George Lucas invades videogames once more in what could be the best Star Wars game ever...

Preview by James Hanson

Game Data

The Rogue Squadron series is now entering that time period in gaming chronology where you separate the franchises that were good but lacked innovative sequels from those that were original unique and intuitive in each sequel and, should therefore be continued and not scrapped. The Rogue Squadron series is reaching higher numbers now, and with that comes the inevitable disappointments that are usually dealt out by many sequels to franchises that were originally good fun to play but then lacked anything new in its later sequels. This is something that Factor 5 are very keen to work on and from what we have seen so far we have to say that they are indeed doing exactly what they set out to do, and the game is looking closer to being the Star Wars game everybody wants than ever...

Innovation certainly is a confusing old thing isn't it? Innovation is supposed to be things that are new, effective, efficient and exciting. As each day passes and another game is released innovation becomes harder to think up. Something too drastic may not attract any gamers but something that doesn't stand out won't either, the line is very thin but most games are just too similar in every department. This is why Factor 5 are becoming slightly worried for their franchise what with the last instalment being harshly reviewed and labelled as just a graphically overhauled clone of the first by a number of critical sites and magazines.

The fact is that Factor 5 needn't worry; they just need to add more options to give more variety and keep gamers playing longer. It is obvious though that a lot is needed to make this the Star Wars game that every gamer has been longing for since the first film to the latest and it looks like it might be arriving sooner than first thought. Rogue Squadron III won't just be pitting you in the X Wing taking on many battles in the sky but you will also be on foot, in a whole range of vehicles and even in one of the speeders from the classic scene at Endor in Episode VI: Return of The Jedi. Not only will the gameplay be much more varied but there has also been a multiplayer confirmed for the game adding yet more length to the game and the potential for co-operative missions but this will make the game much more enjoyable instead of taking it in turns at having a go at missions like in Rogue Squadron II.

The Graphics in the game are without doubt some of the best seen yet on the Gamecube, if not all consoles. They are a slight improvement over the last instalment but that is in no way a bad thing as the last sequel had some of the most intuitive graphics of its time. The whole game looks excellent already; the build looks very nice, even near perfect and shouldn't disappoint any. The worlds compliment the films and generate a faint reminiscing or familiar feeling; this is because whilst they may not
be exactly the same, the basic idea gives a feeling of where you are in the network of planets around the death star, if you have ever seen on of the three original films, those being A new hope, The Empire Strikes Back and The Return of the Jedi. The ships all look very individual and polished whilst the surrounding areas and backdrops are almost as perfect again. With dynamic effects such as firework-esque explosions, varied and detailed landscapes and beautifully animated enemies and allies the game won't be weak in this department. These are definitely some of the Nintendo GameCube's best in game graphics yet, and, may just prove Star Wars Rogue Squadron 3: Rebel Strike to be the example game to show off the GameCube's amazing graphical power that Nintendo need.

You may think that the engine that Factor 5 are running Rebel Strike on is very similar to the one that was used by its predecessor, but the truth and fact is that it is totally different. The graphical style on the first look is exactly the same but if you look more carefully at the game you will begin to notice many details in the landscaping of the levels. This is called light scattering and it utilizes the GameCube's excellent lighting abilities and makes the games landscapes look much more believable and realistic. This is shown off a lot in levels such as Endor when on the speeder bikes trying to obliterate and annihilate troops of the empire whilst dodging, weaving and swerving in and out of the large forest. Levels such as the Endor chase really are the perfect type of level to show off the games graphical power and just how the game has come on in leaps and bounds since the last instalment.

Gameplay wise the game will remain basically the same for the most part but as the game is branching off into speeder races and third person walking missions then the controls will have been slightly refined for each of these modes. The terminology of the game has always been simple just a air combat simulation but now the game will become much more of a real Star Wars game in which everything plays a part instead of just the air battle grounds. There will be a lot more of the traditional flying levels although there will be a few vehicle and on foot levels. These won't just be some rip-off sub levels to add some length and variety but they will in fact provide genuine fun and entertainment in their own right.

When playing as Han Solo, Luke Skywalker or some of their other comrades in battle you will go on foot throughout many a planet as you battle your way through the trilogy. These will use a basic lock on system enabling you to swing your sabre with much more fluency about you. Moving around your enemies, dodging, waving and jumping as you swing your sabre around at multiple enemies should prove to portray some of the heart racing, adrenaline beating scenes extremely well. As well as attacking enemies with a whole range of guns and sabres there will be items and objects such as turrets to add to the variation in the game. The action should be very fast paced and enjoyable come release date but at the current moment the on foot levels are still being improved and worked on.

As for the air missions the game will play at a very fast pace that should ensure that you are delivered a very experience. The missions will consist of taking out patrols, destroying numerous Wedge-Antillies, AT-Ats and a whole load of other enemies that you will need to annihilate. Again the classic battles at Hoth and other planets will all be found in the missions as you fly in one of the many X-Wing ships, A-Wing ships and even Han Solo's ship, the Millennium Falcon the fastest ship in the galaxy taking on the Empire. There will be many other ships as well, including the TIE Bombers, Naboo Star fighter and many others. Sometimes the Rebel Alliance may be of some assistance but for the most part you will be with very few allies in battle that could complicate the game quite a bit.

The multiplayer should be a very interesting old affair
in Rebel Strike as will include numerous modes including the almost expected death match along with the highly anticipated co-operative version of the main game. This will very similar to the one player story mode but this shouldn't matter too much as playing through the game with and extra pair of missile launchers and laser beams should be of some assistance and help.

Cubed3 Official Verdict
This instalment to the massive hit should be one of the most graphically spectacular games in history. The gameplay will remain the same for the airplay but for the on foot missions the game will play very differently. With an excellent multiplayer that will include co-operative missions as well as highly enjoyable death matches this game looks to be one of the best Star Wars games ever, and may take the crown right from under Knights of The Old Republic's nose. The game will take an age to complete each mission with golds but with many unlockable vehicles there won't ever be a lack of initiative to continue playing the game.

[Anticipation Rating: 5/5]


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