New Tales of Graces Wii Trailer, Screens

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.06.2009 10

New Tales of Graces Wii Trailer, Screens on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A high-quality version of the recent Tales of Graces trailer has battled its way onto YouTube for your viewing pleasure.

Tales of Graces is the latest mothership "Tales of" game to, well, grace the home-console world as a Wii exclusive.

Image for New Tales of Graces Wii Trailer, Screens
Image for New Tales of Graces Wii Trailer, Screens

Graces follows a chap known as Asbel Lhant, who heads out on an adventure to obtain crazy amounts of strength after an unknown incident. Namco Bandai are currently aiming for a Winter 2009 release in Japan.

Image for New Tales of Graces Wii Trailer, Screens
Image for New Tales of Graces Wii Trailer, Screens
Image for New Tales of Graces Wii Trailer, Screens

  • Official Tales of Graces website (JP)
  • What's your view on Tales of Graces, RPG fans? How do you think the game is shaping up?

    Box art for Tales of Graces

    Namco Tales


    Namco Bandai


    Real Time RPG



    C3 Score

    Rated $score out of 10  n/a

    Reader Score

    Rated $score out of 10  5/10 (1 Votes)

    European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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    Looks pretty. I havent bought a tales game ever. Going to look into them and purchase some maybe.

    ( Edited 11.12.2012 08:17 by Guest )

    Glad you found the proper video clip Jorge - the one from yesterday was awful, record on a mobile phone!

    This looks fan-dabby-dosey Smilie

    ( Edited 11.12.2012 08:17 by Guest )

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

    graphicaly lovely, but I hope its got as good puzzles/exploration as ToS, and not just battles. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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    Yur. Battles do look nice, and it all comes together in a pretty way but does seem to be lacking \"life\" - nice scenery and characters, but it seems a bit empty at the moment.

    Glad you found the proper video clip Jorge - the one from yesterday was awful, record on a mobile phone!

    No probs! Hoping people will come and see the higher quality one Smilie

    ( Edited 22.06.2009 21:35 by jb )

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    jb said:
    Yur. Battles do look nice, and it all comes together in a pretty way but does seem to be lacking "life" - nice scenery and characters, but it seems a bit empty at the moment.

    Glad you found the proper video clip Jorge - the one from yesterday was awful, record on a mobile phone!

    No probs! Hoping people will come and see the higher quality one Smilie

    Love the clip, been wanting a real Tales game since the ToS sequel. The lack of life could just be that they are showing off the scenery, either that or it is a random encounter type system, that would make me sad. All in all this game is coming along very well.

    look so good i can cry lol and its the teams 1st 3D tales of game

    Me want.

    That trailer is BITCHIN'!!! The main characters are seriously kicking ass!

    It is highly possible, that there will be more NPCs running around in the cities. Overworld map was always pretty vacant of things aside from monsters.

    But it looks great, great graphics. I'm hooked...

    I find your lack of faith disturbing!

    Loving the visuals, very nice and clean. Don't really see anything new but this is pretty much why I love about the Tales series, the battle system.

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