No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle Developer Video

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.06.2009 6

No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle Developer Video on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Goichi Suda recently discussed improvements in gameplay and design in the sequel to No More Heroes for Wii.

The quirky game designer has promised a whole wealth of improvements and refinements to the gameplay system in Desperate Struggle, including greater variation in AI, bigger and tougher boss battles as well as tuning up one of the more frequent complaints, the game's overworld.

Suda will also be throwing in a cat-caring mode, which he hopes will top Ubisoft's infamous Petz range.

No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle will charge into stores sometime next year.

Box art for No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle

Grasshopper Manufacture


Rising Star





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (5 Votes)

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Smilie So we gotta help Jean the Cat lose weight and we also get to decorate the room. I hope the decorating is more in our hands rather than things automatically showing up after you find a card. Also there will be more boss fights that aren't 1vs1 unlike most of the rank battles in the first title. I wonder if Suda is going to use some of the Boss battle features from MadWorld? I think that would be great if it was used on a couple of situational bosses. And since they're improving the open world element of the game I wonder if opponents will actually be walking the streets?Smilie

Wow talk about a revamped game. If they really did do all that they said they did then they will make No More Heroes one (NMH) look like a last gen game, and they didn't push the Wii with NMH

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

They may not have pushed it but it was far more enjoyable than, lets say, Metroid Prime 3.

Says you, I thought NMH was shit.

( Edited 16.06.2009 03:53 by Mario_0 )

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

Angus said:
They may not have pushed it but it was far more enjoyable than, lets say, Metroid Prime 3.

Mario_0 said:
Says you, I thought NMH was shit.


NMH was shit, Metroid 3 was WAY better (even though I hated it).

NMH was way too boring.

( Edited 16.06.2009 18:33 by Birdo Is A Tranny )

I'm definitely hopeful about the game overall, but I'm a little nervous about how vague he was (and has been) about improving the open-world design. It's definitely good that he acknowledges it needs improving, but it's a little strange that there have been no specifics whatsoever on how exactly he intends to do that.

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