Fans Translating Fatal Frame 4

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.06.2009 7

Fans Translating Fatal Frame 4 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

After Nintendo/Tecmo's bizzare move not to bring Fatal Frame Wii to Europe or North America, fans have started an un-official localisation.

A group of translators have already worked their way through almost half the game's script, and are currently seeking others to hop onboard.

According to QJ, the project requires Homebrew and an imported copy of the game.

Are you interested in the Fatal Frame translation project? Do you think Nintendo should re-consider bringing the game to the West?

Box art for Project Zero: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse
Also known as

Fatal Frame IV: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse


Grasshopper Manufacture







C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (8 Votes)

European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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This has been going on for quite a while now - but definitely good to give it more attention as the more people chip in the better, I reckon! Smilie

The game is very scary indeed...I may not understand what I've been playing lately, but the scares and atmostphere have kept me going through it.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Sounds cool, I might consider getting this when the fan translation is done. ^_^
Which reminds me, I still need to play Mother 3...

One of the perks of learning Japanese, in a few months I may be able to play this! Damn Nintendo for not releasing this!

Do you think Nintendo should re-consider bringing the game to the West?
I would so buy the game!

I hope they get enough attention to help Nintendo reconsider not releasing it into the west. I wanted this game so badly...

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Its a real shame that a collection of solid hardcore titles aren\'t being released to the West. Nintendo could help bolster their lineup quite a bit by just releasing these already made games like Disaster Day of Crisis and Fatal Frame 4.

Good luck to those working on the translation, its cool to see people dedicated to making this work, even if Nintendo won\'t.

( Edited 16.06.2009 18:36 by Jacob4000 )

I have to have the fourth so I will be awaiting the english translation.

On the other hand,

Okay, so I have recently found out that Nintendo has decided against publishing the fourth installment of the Fatal Frame series--Fatal Frame IV: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse--in North America and I am furious. This has got to be one of the best horror survival games made yet and it has many fans. I wrote the company on its website an angry email, and got a reply from them telling me yet again that Nintendo has no plans to publish Fatal Frame. I need your help. We need to show Nintendo that Fatal Frame draws a big crowd and express to them that they are making a big mistake. Please petition and write them emails. Power is in numbers so, please, everyone, help me bring it to North America.

Nraj (guest) 30.12.2009#7

yes i would love to know were i can order me a copy of fatal frame 4 i have been looking on the web and cannot find me a website in which i can get a copy of the fatal frame 4 plz if anyone knows how plz contact me my email is [email protected] thank you so much and good luck with the translation..

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