Latest European Ubisoft Wii/DS Releases

By Adam Riley 15.06.2009 9

Latest European Ubisoft Wii/DS Releases on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Ubisoft's UK branch has sent Cubed3 the latest release list for the European market for Wii and Nintendo DS. New to the list are games such as a new entry in the My Fitness Coach range for Wii, My Cooking Coach for DS in June and July, the Pele-driven Academy of Champions on Wii in September, as well as the intriguing Imagine Detective on DS in the same month, plus a whole bunch of games that merely have a vague '2009' date attached right now.

Check out the full list below:

Fun Park Party (Wii) - 19/06/2009
Imagine My Boutique (DS) - 6/26/2009
My Cooking Coach: Prepare Healthy Recipes (DS/DSi) - 26/06/2009
Classic Word Games (DS/DSi) - 26/06/2009
Summer Sports Party (Wii) - 03/07/2009
My Fitness Coach: Cardio Workout (Wii) - 17/07/2009
Peppa Pig (Wii) - 17/07/2009
Peppa Pig (DS) - 17/07/2009
City Life (DS) - 24/07/2009
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Smash Up (Wii) - 25/09/2009
Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs (DS) - September 2009
Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs (Wii) - September 2009
Combat of Giants: Dragons (DS) - September 2009
Academy of Champions (Wii) - September 2009
Imagine Detective (DS) - September 2009
Imagine Beauty Stylist (DS) - October 2009
Girls Life Makeover (DS) - October 2009
Knockout Party (Wii) - 06/11/2009
Princess Melody (DS) - November 2009
Petz: Dogz Superstar (DS) - November 2009
Petz: Nursery (DS) - November 2009
James Cameron's Avatar The Game (TBC) - December 2009
Rabbids Go Home (Wii) - 2009
Red Steel 2 (Wii) - 2009
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction (TBC) - 2009
C.O.P. The Recruit (DS) - 2009
Shaun White Snowboarding: World Stage (Wii) - 2009
Your Shape (Wii) - 2009
Monster 4x4 Stuntrace (Wii) - 2009

Do any of the above take your fancy?

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Hmm, I wasn't aware there was a Wii/DS version of Splinter Cell.
Apart from that, C.O.P, Red Steel 2, Rabbids go Home, and TMNT, meh to the rest.

Spliter Cell Conviction? That 360 exclusive? On Wii?


Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Splinter Cell?? Since when?

Petz: Dogz superstars!

Been waiting over a year for that one!

Yeah! I can't wait!

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction (TBC) - 2009

Come on folks, TBC in the format section means To Be Confirmed!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

jesusraz said:

Come on folks, TBC in the format section means To Be Confirmed!

Why though? It's already been confirmed for the 360...
Isn't this a Nintendo release list?

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
jesusraz said:

Come on folks, TBC in the format section means To Be Confirmed!

Why though? It's already been confirmed for the 360...
Isn't this a Nintendo release list?

This is a list straight from Ubisoft and unless it's a typo they have it down as 'TBC' - undecided exactly what formats it's coming to. It could just end up as 360/PC, but for now the UK arm has it down simply as TBC...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

What a list of rubbish...! *lol*

Raving Rabbids, Red Steel... okay, these are games into which I have expectations, but the rest... What's C.O.P.?

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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