E309 Media | FFCC: Crystal Bearers Producer Interview

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.06.2009 10

E309 Media | FFCC: Crystal Bearers Producer Interview on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Akitoshi Kawazu, producer of the latest Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles on Wii recently discussed possible sequels.

With Crystal Bearers nearing completion, Kawazu sat down and demonstrated the opening minutes from the game, as well as expressed hopes to whip up a sequel or two if it turns out to be a success.

Thanks to C3 reader Jump_Button for the tip.

Box art for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers

Square Enix


Square Enix


Real Time RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

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Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (1 Votes)

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I wonder if it would be like how Ring of Fates and Echoes of Time are slightly related, or just a full-on Crystal Bearers 2...Anyway, let's see what happens with this one since the FFCC series is quite up and down in terms of sales.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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A lot of effort seems to have been put into this FFCC and with the increased focus on single player/story and the shift in character design to look more like a traditional FF game, I think the sales will reflect the quality. It\'s the first major exclusive Final Fantasy game on Wii and one people have been waiting for since the Wii\'s announcement so I hope it does well. Smilie

( Edited 09.06.2009 16:48 by wAyNe - sTaRT )

still the voiceacting hurts Smilie
If only they could have japanease voiceacting too.

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I hate this modern mentality, of which Square Enix seems to be the poster child, of making each new game with potential sequels and spinoffs in mind. The best games I'VE ever played have all been made with the intention to stand strong all on their own, and if and when sequels to those games are produced - well, so they are. Square Enix did their best games when they had a smaller talent pool within which they would focus on one game at a time. The same goes for other companies that now seem to think only about how best to exploit their next big game before it even comes out.

this is looking really nice make me think of zelda with airships lol

Looking pretty good - character models/animation is brilliant, but still concerned about the "Zelda-effect" - models looking great but backgrounds being a bit hit and miss.

Hopefully there'll be enough gameplay, and good gameplay to make it stand out over regular FF titles.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I think this will really sneak up on alot of people, no one seems that bothered about it at the moment(probably because it\'s assosiation with crystal chronicles).

But it looks like a really fresh take on Final Fantasy and some of the hands on makes it sound almost like a fable esqu game, with the interaction with towns people, open world areas, the music on the NA website is just plain lovely aswell.

( Edited 09.06.2009 19:31 by Mario_0 )

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

I still want to know if its all open/connected, or if theres a world map with explorable subareas (but not the inbetween bits)

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From what I can gather. Its open world like a zelda game (no world map that you walk through).
So not following on from games like FF7-9. No stats or levelling up (which I will secretly miss) Although you do make your character stronger with new weapons and clothing.

I hope this game sells well. There are a lack of rpgs. And a smaller pool of good ones. I hope sequels do appear because FF is a great series.

( Edited 09.06.2009 21:13 by meeto_0 )

This looks better than the other FFCC games, but I hate that in order for a Final Fantasy game to be released on a Nintendo platform, they have to turn it into a FFCC game (or be a remake, in the DS's case).

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