E309 Media | Endless Ocean 2 Supports Wii Speak

By Mike Mason 07.06.2009 5

E309 Media | Endless Ocean 2 Supports Wii Speak on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Simulation swimathon Endless Ocean's sequel, the imaginatively titled Endless Ocean 2, is out early next year, and thankfully it'll be fully supporting the Wii Speak peripheral for online co-operative play. While the first also had co-op, it was only fun to a certain degree as there's only so much you can say with some preset options and by writing in water with a magical crayon.

That's not where the improvements end. Apparently your little dolphin friend can do even more tricks - there's no word on whether you can ride on said dolphin, doing flips and...things, but he can certainly go for a little paddle with you and come along for the exploration. You can also play the aquatic vet by checking on the health status of the fishies, zapping them with a tranquiliser-like gun to heal them. Doesn't sound like it'd be too much help to us, but what do we know? We're not marine biologists.

Naturally, all this on top of Wii Speak support makes us happy as clams. Here's some new media (with an extra 17 in the album below):

Image for E309 Media | Endless Ocean 2 Supports Wii Speak

Image for E309 Media | Endless Ocean 2 Supports Wii Speak

Are you excited for Endless Ocean 2?

Box art for Endless Ocean 2: Adventures of the Deep
Also known as

Endless Ocean: Blue World









C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  5/10 (6 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Guest 07.06.2009#1

Not excited, but definitely interested in obtaining this. If I had a Wii I would have gotten the original as well. I'm assuming this is a very relaxing to play, and I love those type of experiences in games.

I read somewhere it's possible to load your own music into the first game, would be great since I have a few nice songs for that.

It's looking beautiful as well.Smilie

Sounds great. I always wanted to get the original, but I didn't really have the time for it.

I can vouch for how good the original is; if this can at least match up to it, then it'll be worth a pick up.

Awesome, will definitely be getting this. ^_^ I loved the first one...I like fish. XD

I played it and finished the whole marine life species book Smilie. Sadly, never owned it.

It's really relaxing to play this game, wandering around for an hour seeing sharks, whales, little fishies...*falls asleep*

No really, but's it's such a shame not everyone has Wii Speak. Really looking forward to it.

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