E309 | C.O.P DS Likely to Become Series

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.06.2009 6

E309 | C.O.P DS Likely to Become Series on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Ubisoft's Nouredine Abboud recently spoke on all things C.O.P.: The Recruit, revealing that it'll likely become a series.

Speaking to Joystiq Abboud discusses similarities with other "cop" games on the DS, sales for Rockstar's GTA and possibilities to expand the game into a full-blown franchise.

Hopefully. You never know, but yeah, the goal ... like Nintendo said this morning, it's a new franchise, but in the end, it will depend on how the gamers will like the game. But we have the feeling that there is possibly something to be done around this theme, mainly on the fact that you are playing a guy who is on the good side of the law, but it doesn't mean he doesn't have access to a lot of possibilities, like he can stop any car as a cop, he can use the city's network to control the city, he can send SWAT teams... so we think it's interesting to have an open world game on the good side of the law, but he can access all the means... this will be the basis of the franchise.

Be sure to read the full interview for more details on C.O.P.: The Recruit.

Box art for C.O.P. The Recruit








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Interesting interview. Especially his take on why GTA might have been unsuccessful. The rating issue was obvious but then he lightly touched upon the choice of presentation. I think GTAs game looked amazing but I cant speak for everyone. We will see if the DS can cope with a level ground 3D sand box game. Still feel they may be going for too much.

Cant help but feel the 15-35 male demographic that buys GTA (15yr olds find a way) just wasnt big in numbers.

( Edited 07.06.2009 12:18 by meeto_0 )

Wow, This game looked good in E3. I agree with Meeto_0.

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

I was surprised with this - looked much better than I thought, especially for a full on 3D engine. Hoping this turns out well.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
I was surprised with this - looked much better than I thought, especially for a full on 3D engine. Hoping this turns out well.

Same as. I Like the idea aswell, not to many games out their where you're on the good side of the law which is surprising. I like the idea, i'd prefer it if you started low..making arrests etc and climbed the police ladder..getting more and more powerful..hence sending S.W.A.T teams in like he touched upon.

I would personally prefer to see it on PSP as that would look outstanding and im a little worried at the lack of use one of the screens will no doubt receieve. I dont understand why they dont make use of both screens at the same time..giving you a bigger view instead of using 1 screen for the game world like they always do. Its a shame..Handhelds are getting more and more powerful now though. So this could be a benchmark, SM64DS showed what could be achieved..about time somebody else tried.

Im_Neutral said:
jb said:
I was surprised with this - looked much better than I thought, especially for a full on 3D engine. Hoping this turns out well.

Same as. I Like the idea aswell, not to many games out their where you're on the good side of the law which is surprising. I like the idea, i'd prefer it if you started low..making arrests etc and climbed the police ladder..getting more and more powerful..hence sending S.W.A.T teams in like he touched upon.

I would personally prefer to see it on PSP as that would look outstanding and im a little worried at the lack of use one of the screens will no doubt receieve. I dont understand why they dont make use of both screens at the same time..giving you a bigger view instead of using 1 screen for the game world like they always do. Its a shame..Handhelds are getting more and more powerful now though. So this could be a benchmark, SM64DS showed what could be achieved..about time somebody else tried.

Problem with using both screens is that the DS would have to split its graphical power onto both which means you'll only get half the graphics on two screens.

I like the look of it, and I'm sure this was the game the Ign's NVC was talking about when they said that if they made GTA using this engine for the DS, people would be even more outstanded than how good chinatown wars looks now.

This game interests me...I love sandbox ideas a lot, but normaly the content isnt enough to stop it being repedative.
Hopefully this game is diverse enough to maintain interest.

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