E309 | Reggie Talks New Metroid Game

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.06.2009 10

E309 | Reggie Talks New Metroid Game on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Metroid: Other M was discussed by Reggie Fils-Aime in an interview this week, clarifying the project title and a possible release window.

The latest adventure for bounty hunter Samus is being co-developed with Team Ninja (Ninja Gaiden, Dead or Alive) to fill in the gap between Super Metroid and Fusion. With Ninja involved, some had wondered whether it would be a darker/more mature take on the series - however Fils-Aime has ushered fans to not read to much into things before official announcements.

Big Metroid surprise. We've been holding this one very close to the vest to make sure that the surprise would be there. Not only the game itself looks fabulous but also this collaboration with Team Ninja, which has been very fruitful, very great work together. Not necessarily [M-rated]. At this point, it is very early, we said it's a title that's going to come out in 2010. Really, Project M is our internal terminology for the collaboration for what's being done. Don't read into it as to what the ESRB will be.

Thanks to GoNintendo.

Box art for Metroid: Other M

Team Ninja







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doesnt need to be m rated. These batch of so called gamers that have to have blood and violence as well as state of the art graphics or they wont buy a game. Well they are such a nuisance. Every generation of late they get more ignorant and intolerable. The Xbox has not helped.


People thought this would be M rated?
...Really? Smilie

The only reason I can see someone thinking this maybe a rated Mature title is because of Team Ninja. As far as the sub title "other M" goes that just makes me think of the info scan out of MP3 that stated that the Metroid Dread project is a system which the Space Pirates utilize the Metroids as weapons. But since some at Nintendo are knocking that down I'm thinking it'll be a new type Metroid creature to deal with.

I'm more concerned, with, you know..the Gameplay? Smilie

Tsk, never understood some peoples obbession with ratings and stuff.

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There's no reason for it to be M Rated, and personally I couldn't care less what the rating is.

Unless, you know, it's got more boobs than usual.

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this was from gametrailer's gttv.

Geoff Keighly asked if Other M meant that it was M rated, but it was a bit of a joke really. Though Reggie gave a serious answer cos that's what he's programmed to do.

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meeto_0 said:
doesnt need to be m rated. These batch of so called gamers that have to have blood and violence as well as state of the art graphics or they wont buy a game. Well they are such a nuisance. Every generation of late they get more ignorant and intolerable. The Xbox has not helped.

knighty said:


oh you guyz crack me up sometimes!!!


I smell a Nintendo PR guy.


( Edited 06.06.2009 16:55 by Birdo Is A Tranny )

Well I sure as hell agree with;

These batch of so called gamers that have to have blood and violence as well as state of the art graphics or they wont buy a game. Well they are such a nuisance.

Gamers shouldnt care what the rating is, or what the resolution is.
Its about the expirnece, the gameplay.

http://www.fanficmaker.com <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Personally, I never cared what the resolution was until I purchased a Widscreen TV last Year (lol). There is a signifigant difference between the 480p of the Wii and the 720p of the XBOX360 and PS3.

However, with that being said, I still wouldn't not buy a game just because of the resolution (or rating for that matter). There is a reason why those people are called "graphic whores" and not just "people who prefer a higher resolution."

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