E309 Media | Come To The Darkside With Resident Evil

By Mike Mason 05.06.2009 10

E309 Media | Come To The Darkside With Resident Evil on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles appearing on Wii later this year, we've got a zombieload (whatever one of those is) of new shots of the on-rails arcade shooter for your beady little eyes.

Darkside Chronicles is similar to Umbrella Chronicles in that it is a re-telling of the events of a past Resident Evil game. In this case, it's the story of Resident Evil 2 and bits of Code Veronica thus far, as well as some new sections previously unseen in the Resident Evil world. You're going to be seeing lots of Leon and Claire, so good news for fans of those two.

Image for E309 Media | Come To The Darkside With Resident Evil

Image for E309 Media | Come To The Darkside With Resident Evil

Here's the official E309 trailer:

Thanks to WiiLoveIt for the video upload.

Here's some bonus cam-footage from Gamekyo, too.

Are you looking forward to Darkside Chronicles?

Box art for Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles

Feel Plus




First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  4/10 (5 Votes)

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Guest 05.06.2009#1

This is looking good, and the fact it\'s a FPS on rails automatically makes this more interesting for me. And more tense, I think.

And how is anybody supposed to enjoy this on the E3 show floor?

( Edited 05.06.2009 16:02 by Bart.... )

lol, if you play the gameplay trailer you'll hear new super mario bros playing in the background.

Sounds lovely. Happy zombies, whoopie!

Bart.... said:
This is looking good, and the fact it's a FPS on rails automatically makes this more interesting for me. And more tense, I think.

And how is anybody supposed to enjoy this on the E3 show floor?

How the hell does it offer tension when its on rails. Im affraid your brain might be wired incorrectly. When a camera forces you into areas there is no tension of knowing if your walking into a sanctuary or death trap. Not to mention your gun has unlimited ammo. The survival element is greatly watered down.

meeto_0 said:
Bart.... said:
This is looking good, and the fact it's a FPS on rails automatically makes this more interesting for me. And more tense, I think.

And how is anybody supposed to enjoy this on the E3 show floor?

How the hell does it offer tension when its on rails. Im affraid your brain might be wired incorrectly. When a camera forces you into areas there is no tension of knowing if your walking into a sanctuary or death trap. Not to mention your gun has unlimited ammo. The survival element is greatly watered down.

There is still the tension of not quite knowing what's round the corner, not being able to move where you want, Enemy speed, and reload times of the guns.

The game looks pretty nice.

Compared to Dead Space this plays like a a generic light gun shooter. Don't buy this game, go for Dead Space instead!

Guest 05.06.2009#6

Stulaw said:

There is still the tension of not quite knowing what's round the corner, not being able to move where you want, Enemy speed, and reload times of the guns.

The game looks pretty nice.

Exactly, the fact the camera is being used in this way creates the most tension for me. They're able to confront you with situations you'd never experience in a 'conventional' game.

Looks a lot better than the original in terms of visuals, design and presentation - but still not feeling it, zombies are too slow and a bit boring from what they've shown.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I really enjoyed Umbrella Chronicles so I believe this too shall be excellent. Why are people complaining about its lack of tension? First of all, I feel UC had more tension than RE5. Those near death encounters during boss battles, not knowing whether to use your advanced guns are save them were great. Sadly though, I believe that RE will never return to its traditional SH roots.

I've still got the first game to complete. Got stuck on the REmake mansion level. Too hard though I've yet to try it on co-op so maybe that will help. Smilie

This one is looking amazing graphically.

wAyNe - sTaRT said:
I've still got the first game to complete. Got stuck on the REmake mansion level. Too hard though I've yet to try it on co-op so maybe that will help. Smilie

This one is looking amazing graphically.

If you're finding that hard, just wait till you Nemisis. I won't reveil much else.

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