E309 Media | Spyborgs E3 Screens/Video

By Mike Mason 05.06.2009 5

E309 Media | Spyborgs E3 Screens/Video on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom have released a bundle of new media for Spyborgs, the Wii-exclusive sci-fi co-op brawler developed by Bionic Games, comprised of ex-members of Insomniac Games and High Impact Games.

Select two of the Spyborgs team (from a choice of three) and you're ready to go. Your chosen characters will both be about at all times; single players are able to switch between them at will, but this setup means that co-operative play is a focus here. You'll be brawling your way through 35 levels, building up your attacks and combos as you go along. Spyborgs also incorporates that growing trend in games, an achievement system, allowing you to unlock bonus features such as concept art.

Here're some screens and a trailer, featuring a big robot that refuses to explode.

Image for E309 Media | Spyborgs E3 Screens/Video

Image for E309 Media | Spyborgs E3 Screens/Video

Thanks to GameOn for the video upload. Check out some more screens in the media album below.

Do you like the direction that Spyborgs has taken?

Box art for Spyborgs








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Looks quite nice, hopfully it play decnet. Havn't heard any hands on about it, was it playable at E3?

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

The game looks lovely, not exactly convinced with the gameplay from past videos. But I guess we'll have to wait and see.

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Playable at E3, yep, and we'll hopefully be getting to grips with it fairly soon. Smilie

Tested it. Very boring and repetitive. As expected.

Looks pretty shiny - neat and smooth. Was hoping it would be a four player co-op, ah well, 2's fine enough!

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