E309 Media | Span Smasher - MotionPlus Only, New Screens

By Mike Mason 03.06.2009

E309 Media | Span Smasher - MotionPlus Only, New Screens on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Originally shown in passing at Nintendo's October briefing in Japan, Span Smasher is Artoon's new action game for Wii that features an orange with a grin far bigger than should be legal bouncing around through brick walls as you swipe the remote about.

The surprising thing is that it's a Motion Plus-only game. With a complete lack of new titles taking advantage of Motion Plus announced during the conference and this being quietly bundled onto the show floor, it has to be wondered if there are any more out there. Span Smasher is controlled with a single hand using a Motion Plus powered remote, and players must angle their swings so that they can collect power ups and avoid obstacles.

The release date for Span Smasher hasn't been announced as of yet. For now, check out the batch of new screens in the media album below.

Box art for FlingSmash








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  n/a

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (3 Votes)

European release date Q3 2010   North America release date Q4 2010   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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