E309 | Golden Sun Coming to Nintendo DS

By Adam Riley 02.06.2009 17

E309 | Golden Sun Coming to Nintendo DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The dream of almost every gamer came true today as it was revealed Golden Sun is returning, this time on DS. It has to be the most frequently asked question whenever journalists get the chance to interview the Takahashi brothers at Camelot Software Planning, and the response was always the same. In fact, when Cubed3 spoke with them back in June last year, the brothers revealed "Golden Sun is an epitome of all our members' knowledge and experience and of course those that developed the game are very emotionally attached to it" and have also specifically stated in other interviews that they were just waiting for Nintendo to say the word.

Well, the word seems to have indeed been said, because Golden Sun DS is now a reality. As Nintendo itself states:

After going dark six years ago, 2010 will see a new dawn. Golden Sun DS updates the popular portable Golden Sun role-playing series with an impressive graphical style. This installment follows the story of the previous heroes' descendants and immerses players into the magic of its adventure by pushing the boundaries of intuitive touch-screen controls. Golden Sun DS is playable on the Nintendo DS and Nintendo DSi systems.

Are you pleased to finally see Golden Sun head to DS?

Box art for Golden Sun: Dark Dawn





Turn Based RPG



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Hull yes! Can't wait to see the trailer they've released, only problem is, it's got a lot to live up to having kept us waiting for 6 years!

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Are you pleased to finally see Golden Sun head to DS?


I can not wait. I need this game.

OK. The video\'s over here now. It looks awesome!


( Edited 02.06.2009 19:25 by TAG )

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

Nintendo wins the world Smilie Smilie

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I wonder if it'll end up with a subtitle like 'Dark Skies' or something...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses
Guest 02.06.2009#5

jesusraz said:
I wonder if it'll end up with a subtitle like 'Dark Skies' or something...

Probably. That's why I think they should definitely do an erotic sequel to Deus Ex on DS.Smilie

I'm surprised there aren't more comments on this story; this was undoubtedly THE highlight of E3 2009. For moi anyway. Smilie

Oh yeah Adam, I seem to remember me calling dibs on writing this story. *throws Temper Tantrum*

Absolutely the highlight.

or, well, the nintendo-specific one anyway.

I'm 50/50 on if the absolute highlight was this or Tales Of Monkey Island.

Hell, chuck in LBA3 and EternalDarkness2 and thats all the sequals Id ever want.

http://www.fanficmaker.com <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Highlight of the whole of E3, by far. Didn't see this one coming a long way off. After things were so quiet with so many hoaxes for so long, I really thought Golden Sun was dead.


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Ooo they have a 3D engine for it too. Couldn't be happier

This was one of the big shockers for me of the conference, didn't see it coming. Very happy! Hopefully its not too far off. Now that I know its out there, the wait will be worse than it was when it didn't exist!

I really want to continue using the same characters from 1 & 2 HOPEFULLY they will give you that option using the DS/DS lite (GBA slot). Great news though Smilie .

Birdo Is A Tranny said:
I really want to continue using the same characters from 1 & 2 HOPEFULLY they will give you that option using the DS/DS lite (GBA slot). Great news though Smilie .

Probably not, what with the DSi removing the slot and all. Would be nice if they did though.

Jacob4000 said:
Birdo Is A Tranny said:
I really want to continue using the same characters from 1 & 2 HOPEFULLY they will give you that option using the DS/DS lite (GBA slot). Great news though Smilie .

Probably not, what with the DSi removing the slot and all. Would be nice if they did though.

Well there will be DSi only games, why not "DS normal" games, with the GBA slot? It's only fair? Right? Right?!

*I just want to carry my data over Smilie

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

Jacob4000 said:
Probably not, what with the DSi removing the slot and all. Would be nice if they did though.

Wasn't there a Password system alongside the transfer feature? If so, it shouldn't be hard to implement.

*Gets incredible urge to play Golden Sun 1 & 2 again* Smilie

So guys, what's the verdict on the new character art?

Could it possibly be Isaac, Garet and Mia? Or are they reincarnations or descendants?

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Phoenixus said:
Jacob4000 said:
Probably not, what with the DSi removing the slot and all. Would be nice if they did though.

Wasn't there a Password system alongside the transfer feature? If so, it shouldn't be hard to implement.

*Gets incredible urge to play Golden Sun 1 & 2 again* Smilie

I think (been a while) that after you beat the first Golden Sun you were given a password. I don't think there is one given after you beat The Lost Age.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

Pretty sure you were given a PassWord after Lost Age. I beat it again recently so I'll have a check soon.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

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