E309 | Ubisoft Creating Games for Wii Successor

By Adam Riley 01.06.2009 10

E309 | Ubisoft Creating Games for Wii Successor on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Whilst many developers are only just starting to put their full weight behind Wii, Ubisoft has begun work on its successor, to some degree. Whilst the French company is indeed still working on several projects for Nintendo's home console market leader, with games like Red Steel 2 that uses MotionPlus technology exclusively, a new report suggests work is underway on the follow-up to Wii, even though Nintendo has yet to announce such a system.

CEO Yves Guillemot has confirmed that 10% of Ubisoft's workforce, which equates to around 575 members, are being put onto games that will take advantage of not only the Wii successor, but the consoles that will follow-on from the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Guillemot was quoted as saying "What has helped us is we always take the new technologies right at the beginning of their availability, and we go after them faster than everyone else."

Box art for Red Steel 2





First Person Shooter



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I somehow dought Nintendo would give them any insites whatsoever into whats next. Nintendo probably dont even know themselfs yet.
This is more a company assigning a large number of staff to develop stuff that cant work on anything in the blind hope it will in future Smilie

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I wouldn't expect Nintendo to announce a successor to the Wii for atleast 2 years. Even then, we might have to wait another year or two for it to come out.

I guess ubisoft think they know what the specs of the 8th gen are going to be. But Still, it's a bit early to be working on something. Unless it's something quite literally huge.

This is a serious waste of manpower. Seriously, I doubt any of the competetors have their next consoles ready yet, so Ubisoft are wasting 575 people on messing about with ideas for consoles that will never happen?

I'm not impressed as usual Ubi.

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Darkflame said:
I somehow dought Nintendo would give them any insites whatsoever into whats next. Nintendo probably dont even know themselfs yet.

Well, I'm sure Nintendo started designing the next console before the Wii's release, they're probably quite a way into development by now. But yeah, no way they'd share anything with anyone, and no way we're gonna hear about it any time soon.

oh, their R&D almost certainly started the moment the Wii was released...no gap, certainly.

But that dosnt mean they know what their next console will, be, nor will for quite awhile.
Prototypes, expirements, variations etc.

This is a serious waste of manpower.

A lot of studios got burnt enough this gen, betting the PS3 would get most of the market.

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does nintendo really need a successor to the wii already. i thought that was what that whole stupid motion plus thingy was for. such a waste of time.....

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

Nothing already about it.
Nintendos next console is probably 3 years away, this is just Ubisoft wasteing their money.

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Actually its strategically sound. Make a plethora of shit games for release that stupid people pick up because there is nothing else to buy...

Yes, but you dont spend 10% for multiple years in advance to do that!

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That scares me a little bit. I'm just trying to get used to the Wii.

But I really do hope they're more enthusiastic than they were in the past. I remember playing Bomberman for the DS. It was ok, but it could have been much better in my opinion.

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