EA: No DLC for Dead Space Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.05.2009 5

EA: No DLC for Dead Space Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Producer for the Wii version of Dead Space, Steve Papoutsis, has confirmed that there currently aren't plans for DLC.

Despite Nintendo including support for high-capacity storage via SDHC memory cards, EA don't have plans to take advantage with additional, downloadable content.

I don't think we have any plans for that right now. It's interesting but no.

Speaking to VG247, Papoutsis also reiterated that the game won't be a "watered down" experience, staying true to the original.

Box art for Dead Space: Extraction








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Can anyone tell me how a 1st person On-Rails version of a 3rd person survival horror game is "staying true to the original"?Smilie

J Tangle said:
Can anyone tell me how a 1st person On-Rails version of a 3rd person survival horror game is "staying true to the original"?Smilie

In terms of art direction/graphic style, music/ambiance etc.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
In terms of art direction/graphic style, music/ambiance etc.

OK I see now thanks, but I wonder what made them want to exclude gameplay and horror feel? IMO there isn't much or any horror elements in guided play.

DLC is usually abused by releasing a game that\'s not finished yet. You\'re paying more for the same.
So I don\'t see this as bad news.

( Edited 25.05.2009 23:11 by Canyarion )

J Tangle that is exactly what I thought with regards to the Horror element. The scares come from your decision to go down those dark corridors and not knowing if your walking into danger. You just loose that element completely.

DLC like anything has good and bad elements. How team fortress approached it is a shining example of the good that can come from it.

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