Retro and Nintendo bring Metroid Prime Trilogy to Wii

By Shane Jury 22.05.2009 31

Retro and Nintendo bring Metroid Prime Trilogy to Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A compilation of the three Metroid Prime games is on the way to Wii, all on one affordable disc and with Wii controls aplenty!

From the reveal at IGN, the package will combine the two Gamecube Metroid Prime games (which subsequently have yet to leave Japan in their New Play Control forms); reworked with Wii Controls, Widescreen and 480p support, with the Wii's Metroid Prime 3 Corruption.

Image for Retro and Nintendo bring Metroid Prime Trilogy to Wii

Metroid Prime 2 Echoes' Multiplayer mode has been left intact, and is reported to work much better with the Wii controls. Both original titles will adopt the Medals system that Corruption introduced, and the Wi-Fi trading aspect with vouchers is still in.

Press Release;


All Three Critically Acclaimed Games Now Feature Motion Controls with Enhanced Presentation and In-Game Rewards

REDMOND, Wash., May 22, 2009 - Metroid Prime 3: Corruption set a new standard for first-person motion controls in video games. Now it's bringing those controls to the rest of the celebrated series, allowing players to experience the entire Metroid Prime story arc with the peerless precision of the Wii Remote. Nintendo announces Metroid Prime Trilogy, a new premium three-game collection for the Wii console that bundles all three landmark Metroid Prime games onto one disc and revamps the first two installments with intuitive motion controls, wide-screen presentation and other enhancements. Metroid Prime Trilogy will be available exclusively for Wii on Aug. 24 at a suggested retail price of $49.99.

Each game maintains its original storyline and settings, but now Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 2: Echoes let players use their Wii Remote to aim with precision as heroine Samus Aran. Based on the breakthrough control system that debuted in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, these new Wii controls bring an entirely new level of immersion and freedom to these milestone games.

"Metroid Prime Trilogy puts the best first-person adventures all in one place, with a host of new additions that make these three timeless titles more engaging than ever," said Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America's executive vice president of Sales & Marketing. "A great deal of care and detail has gone into Metroid Prime Trilogy, providing longtime fans with new ways to experience the games they love."

All three games now reside on a single disc. Players can access the game they want from a unified main menu that ties together all three adventures. Through a new unlockables system, players can gain access to in-game rewards such as music and artwork by accomplishing objectives across all three games.

Metroid Prime Trilogy was developed by Retro Studios and Nintendo, the same developers that created the original games for the Nintendo GameCube and Wii systems.

Remember that Wii features parental controls that let adults manage the content their children can access. For more information about this and other Wii features, visit

For more information about Metroid Prime Trilogy, visit

So far only confirmed for a US release at a price point of $49.99 (roughly a full-price title over here) on August 24th, chances are we'll see it in Europe too. Here's hoping!

Box art for Metroid Prime Trilogy





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Sweet. I have 2 and 3 and Only want 1 but this is cool, be nice to play through 1 and 2 again tbh. heres hoping they have the same save slots as 3 so i can sell corruption and get this Smilie

Wow pretty good deal if you have yet to play the Metroid Primes.

Still I hope this hasn't been the only thing Retro has been working on :/

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

Oh. My. God. Smilie THIS IS SICK! Day 1 purchase for me!Smilie Smilie Go, Samus! Go!

Chance favors the prepared mind.

What a waste of Retro's talent Smilie

I played all 3, but still want this. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I bet noone buys the New Play Control versions now.

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This is such an awesome deal! I'm definitely picking this one up. Smilie

Great deal, but I already own all 3 games.

Kinda stupid even releaseing them. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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you guys sure it all in one or one box set? some one posted this maybe fan made but :/

Smilie not like big N to do somthing like this good movie hope they put alot of ads into this too

( Edited 22.05.2009 18:44 by Jump_button )

If this is all retro have to show for the last 7months then meh to this. But if they have something else to show then this is very good.

But I know how this plays out. Reggie will tell all press that the hardcore have insatiable appetites and that nintendo have released a string of hardcore titles including this remake, wii resorts, punch out and that zelda is coming soon (even though its a DS game and home consoles shouldnt be mixed with a handhelds software release)

SuperLink said:
I bet noone buys the New Play Control versions now.

I doubt that the NPC versions will be sold separate in the EU and the US with this on the way.

Whoa... Would definitely buy this(assuming it will get a UK release).

Jump_button said:
Image for
you guys sure it all in one or one box set? some one posted this maybe fan made but :/

Smilie not like big N to do somthing like this good movie hope they put alot of ads into this too

Yeh, thats fan art since it\'s all on one disk Smilie Looks good though Smilie I will probably buy it anyway tbh, be good to play 1 and 2 with better controls. Will make bossfights like the Chykka and the Qaudraxis that much smoother since you have to target specific spots whilst qrappling/not being able to lock on which removes your ability to dodge and aim. Can\'t wait actaully!

( Edited 22.05.2009 19:31 by Echoes221 )

Nice to see Ninty do this rather than Capcoms approach of milking the Resi series!

Its a relatively good deal, but i also own all 3 meh

So I'm having to buy MP3 again just to get 1&2?

Though I guess if I trade in MP3 for a few quid I'll basically be buying MP1&2 for less than £20 each which is better than seperate NPC releases I suppose. Smilie

"Through a new unlockables system, players can gain access to in-game rewards such as music and artwork by accomplishing objectives across all three games."

I'd rather have mini games than just extra music and artwork, but all in all sounds like a great buy and a reason to sell MP3. I haven't played MP1 in ages(I think one of my friends still have itSmilie ) and I never took the time to purchase MP2 so this is a great reason to get it. I wonder if the MP3 data can be used in this bundle? Most likely not, but no big deal MP3 is worth another play through anyway.

From Kotaku:

The Wii Controls: They feel good, they play well and they cut back on some of the menu selection and scan point operation tedium. For example, to select the scanner, all you have to do is hold down the minus button to pull up a heads-up display. From there, you just point at the item you want to select it and then point that item at whatever you want to scan - very painless and very quick, which is going to make it easier to absorb what story there is through scan points.

The Multiplayer: The multiplayer from Echoes is back and immediately accessible from the hub with no gameplay prerequisites. It's a little sad that it's local-only four-way-split-screen, but there is something to be said for having four people flailing around with Wii Remotes trying to shoot each other or drop bombs and bounce to safety while in ball form. Also, you can totally screen-watch to see who just picked up invincibility and thereby avoid making a tactical error in attacking them.

Myriad Tweaks: Trilogy supports 16:9 widescreen. They've added bloom lighting to all three games. Doors open faster. Loading times are faster. Samus can now do that ball-form jump where she drops a bomb and - with a well-timed Wii Remote flick - get extra air when it goes off in all three games. It might not seem like any one of these things really matters, but altogether, the tweaks go a long way toward making the games feel good and play well.

Tweaked, But Not Too Much: Nintendo says the tweaks to the control scheme don't compromise the difficulty in the game and that they've preserved the puzzle element in all the games. I believe them, because Samus' ball-form jump from Corruption could in theory wreck some jumping puzzles from Prime and Echoes. But during my hands-on time with Echoes, I didn't feel like anything had gotten easier. It just got prettier; and while that made it a little less frustrating in difficult jumping sections, it wasn't less challenging.

Did the Japanase versions have improved loading times and bloom added?

maeda said:
What a waste of Retro's talent Smilie

a) You have no idea how much effort this took. (ie, how many manhours)

b) Isnt it more of a waste for two superb games to not be avaliable on the biggest saleing system, with the best controlls ever developed on a console for FPS gamerplay? <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
maeda said:
What a waste of Retro\'s talent Smilie

a) You have no idea how much effort this took. (ie, how many manhours)

b) Isnt it more of a waste for two superb games to not be avaliable on the biggest saleing system, with the best controlls ever developed on a console for FPS gamerplay?

He\'s simply reffering that they are talented, but should of instead be fousing on the next series of 3D/2D metroid games. All we are getting are games that are already out with a few bells and whistles added on. Hence \"waste of talent\". Though i\'m sure it will be worth it, I just want a brand new most people I might add.

( Edited 22.05.2009 22:31 by Echoes221 )

Darkflame, just hand the ports over to NST. Give Retro time to take a break and concentrate on FPA Zelda Smilie

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all three on 1 disc ?? well that's more interesting to me than each gamecube game on seperate discs.

even though i already own all three, i think i'd have a go at this one, obly for the collector factor of the object Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

That's awesome. This is how you do re-releases of old games, combine them in a nice package, and update them with Wii controls and widescreen and 480p. Well done Nintendo.

Woah that is nice. Really cheap and improvements you actually want. It's so tempting to buy, even though I have all 3. (maybe i will just... "borrow the game")

Great stuff! I don't owe no. 1 or 2 anymore so it'll be a great way to replay them, all in one disc!

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