The Queen Receives Golden Wii Console

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.05.2009 18

The Queen Receives Golden Wii Console on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The Queen of England received a vibrating wand today, as THQ sent Her Majesty a gold-plated Wii to play BIG Family Games.

To mark the release of the new family/casual game, publisher THQ sent the Royal Family the console and early copy of the game to play with. They'll be able to engage in golf, tennis, ladder golf, lawn darts and horseshoes!

But we thought that Her Majesty the Queen wouldn't want to play on any old console, so an extra-special gold one was commissioned. We hope that she and the rest of the Royal Family enjoy the game!

Oh, I say! Yes, this is a Wii game.

Image for The Queen Receives Golden Wii Console
Box art for Big Family Games








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Them graphics are horrible. Bland backgrounds with rubber characters!

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
Steam: Guess what?

Wow THQ, I never knew you were such dirtbags. Smilie

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Talk about N64 graphics on the Wii, I might be insulting N64 games though...... Talk about PS1 graphics on the Wii....

"the queen receieved a vibrating wand today" Smilie

Maybe she will detain the developers at her pleasure for crimes against art. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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At least it wasn't a Golden Shower... Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses
Guest 21.05.2009#7


Is that some kind of animal porn? Smilie

The Queen should stick it down her golden crapper and get Wii Sports.

That kid's head ain't even attached.

Guest 21.05.2009#10

By the way, isn't that Outset Island in the background?

UGGGGGHHH why such a horrible game... with such horrible graphics!

Oh fuck off, why does the Queen get a free Wii and not me? Because she's richer and more famous? Yes, that makes sense. Smilie

The cheese. said:
Oh fuck off, why does the Queen get a free Wii and not me? Because she's richer and more famous? Yes, that makes sense. Smilie
Exactly! Why should someone be subordinate to any other? That's the reason I despise monarchies, they instantly create a class system, adding to the transparent cast system of our capitalist societies.

I like having a monarchy, makes me feel nice and British and posh. Smilie And monarchy\'s aren\'t much more responsible for the class system than chavs, they both make either side of the spectrum fairly obvious. Smilie

And I feel we should give the monarchy some slack if they have to put up with being sent crap like this. Smilie

( Edited 22.05.2009 02:02 by Ikana )

Ikana said:

And I feel we should give the monarchy some slack if they have to put up with being sent crap like this. Smilie

I'd give the monarchy slack if they didn't just take taxpayers money for them to travel, go on holiday, and sit around a palace all day, and maybe play a bit of polo on the side. This'll probably be tossed aside once they've had a look.

"What the fuck is this shit?!" said the Queen as she put down her WiiMote and got back to her Left 4 Dead match.


The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

Stulaw said:
Ikana said:

And I feel we should give the monarchy some slack if they have to put up with being sent crap like this. Smilie

I'd give the monarchy slack if they didn't just take taxpayers money for them to travel, go on holiday, and sit around a palace all day, and maybe play a bit of polo on the side. This'll probably be tossed aside once they've had a look.

Like the taxes wouldn't just be swallowed up by something else equally useless. Smilie

Surely someone at THQ could be legally beheaded for this? It's about time that was brought back.

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