Max & the Magic Marker Debut Footage

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.05.2009 3

Max & the Magic Marker Debut Footage on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Press Play have revealed initial footage behind the ambitious WiiWare platformer, Max & the Magic Marker.

Earlier this week the studio demonstrated the new 2D platform game in action. You control a boy named Max, and with the power of an on-screen cursor displayed as a marker can draw objects to help him overcome obstacles and enemies. It begins as Max starts to doodle a monster, "a wacko purple nut job of a monster", with the magic marker, and must follow his creation to stop it ruining his other drawings.

Much like 5th Cell's Drawn to Life, objects you draw turn into objects you can stand on, push and use. The more ink you apply, the heavier it'll get. The audio in the game is made by Analogik.

  • Max and the Magic Marker - Official site

  • Box art for Max and the Magic Marker

    Press Play


    Press Play


    2D Platformer



    C3 Score

    Rated $score out of 10  8/10

    Reader Score

    Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (3 Votes)

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    This looks AMAZING! Absolute must buy. Music is just an extra bonus. Can imagine some really good puzzling. Cant believe how good this looks. Havent bought any wii ware titles and there are already a few gems to buy but this is a must have.

    ( Edited 21.05.2009 10:15 by meeto_0 )

    I was sceptical prior to watching, but wow.

    This is very well made and could prove to be a fantastic title.

    I would like to have seen more puzzles in there that demonstrate the potential for further creativity, allowing for many methods of getting from A to B, can't wait to get this gem!

    May you be in heaven for half an hour before the devil knows you are dead.

    I love games that let you mess with physics! This looks great. Aside from the trailer's music, I think it will be an awesome puzzler.

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