Sega Revives Jambo! Safari for Wii, DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.05.2009 5

Sega Revives Jambo! Safari for Wii, DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Sega have revived arcade classic Jambo! Safari with a new version for Nintendo's Wii and DS. It's jungle time, people!

The original game was an arcade shooter back in the 1990s, and SEGA are bringing back the same ranger-action from the original, this time letting you customise your characters in a bid to become a fully qualified ranger.

You'll be chomping up free-roaming African landscapes using one of four different vehicles to find and rescue animals, snapping photos and even taking to the skies in hot air balloons. You'll be swinging Wii remotes like lasso, driving with the nunchuck and getting closer to your animal buddies with the DS stylus. A friend can also jump in on the action through a co-op mode on the Wii.

Jambo! Safari was a much loved SEGA arcade game that has lent itself perfectly to the unique way of playing games on Nintendo platforms. Jambo! Safari makes learning fun, whilst children are playing the game and rescuing the wild animals they collect information cards, meaning they learn the characteristics of the animals and their natural habitat as they play.

Gary Knight, European Marketing Director SEGA Europe

Jambo! Safari is due late 2009 for Wii and DS.

  • Official Jambo! Safari website
  • Box art for Jambo! Safari








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    I liked the old arcade game they had in the late 90's where you were driving around like crazy trying to lasso up animals before your time limit was up. Loads of fun! I don't need the educational BS. Lassoing is good enough for me. Smilie

    This should be cool, any more SEGA arcade action can only be a good thing. Smilie

    Looks alright - should be a decent arcade-ish game, just not so hot in the visual dept right now.

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Always looked like crazy fun in the arcades. Hope they dont make it unplayable with stupid over the top motion controls. If they get it right will certainlt buy it.

    This was a blast in the arcade and hopefully will be on Wii. Realistically should be bargain priced though...

    More arcade classics from SEGA?

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