Extra MotionPlus Character for Spyborgs?

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.05.2009 14

Extra MotionPlus Character for Spyborgs? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With MotionPlus due out in a matter of weeks, Capcom has been pondering how to implement the technology into upcoming action game, Spyborgs.

According to Kotaku, the game's producer Darly Allison mentioned how the team is considering the device as an addition, and not a required/essential thing needed to play the game. To do this Capcom may include an extra playable character that will take advantage of the extra MotionPlus sensitivity.

Do you think this is the way to go for developers in the initial MotionPlus stages - by having extra characters/modes instead of making it a complete requirement to play (e.g. Red Steel 2)

Box art for Spyborgs








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For a game like this I think it is the correct approach. I feel it should be a joint effort between nintendo and third parties to get motion plus to penetrate the market as well as possible.

Nintendo has done great so far with wii resorts. But that is typically where the support stops aka wii board and speaker. But this peripheral is much easier to implement so it wont fall to the waste side. up to 6 months software is entitled to treat it as an extra.

During this time nintendo should consider bundling it with machines or putting it into the controller. After 6 months companies should start to make games that really couldnt exist without motion plus to expand the experience that can be had.

Sword games like redsteel would ideally have to be motion plus only because as the first game demoed it doesnt work without it. Devs may play it safe and let unknowledgable gamers think the game can work just as well without motion plus potentially giving those without a below standard experience.

( Edited 20.05.2009 11:57 by meeto_0 )

I think it's safe to assume that this Christmas we'll see Wii's coming boxed with motionplus with a price increase of £10 on the whole pack whilst the PS3 and 360 both drop in price.

No, I'm not keen on this.

Games really need to be ground-up designed for it for it too be worth it.
The Wiimote itself has been badly used partly because a lot of games are ports with controlls tacked on afterwards. I dont want the same happening to MP.

Id rather games just dont use MP at all then use it badly. (Exactly like Id rather games just used the Wiimote+Nunchuck without motion controlls, rather then impliment them badly...not all games need motion controll).

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For games that don't necessarily need pinpoint accuracy, i think that's the best thing to do : Make it optionnal in a way that people will want to buy it in the end.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

It doesnt have to be ground up at all. Yes there needs to be ground up games. And they should outweigh those with tacked on controls. But the ratio has started of positively already with Grand slam tennis, wii resort, tiger10 and Red steel in the pipeline. I will hazard a guess that conduit devs have something up their sleeves as do nintendo.
Devs need to get use to the new tech. It may bring up ideas for future titles.

I imagine its a hundred times easier to implement motion controls with this device to give an intuitive meaningful input so it should be harder to mess up. I really think decent motion controls with the standard control was asking for the impossible.

It doesn't have to be ground up at all.

Yes, it pretty much does.

If its not ground-up designed for analog movements, all your doing is mapping button-presses to gestures.
MP might allow more reliably sensing of gestures, but it doesn't add to the game play if thats all its for, imho.

The sensor bar, of course, remains unaffected by this tech and is pretty perfect as it standards. (So it really doesn't effect FPS games much at all).

I really think decent motion controls with the standard control was asking for the impossible.

Nintendo games managed to pull it off pretty well.
Metroid Corruption, Wii Baseball.
Zack and Wiki also did it well.

Its simply a case of when developers put the effort in to map what they could sense onto movements,rather then gesture-mapping motions to preset motions. Which hardly ever worked well.

MP gives an extra axis and more sensitivity..which does make some stuff easier. But it isn't the big problem, which has been the same since the wii launched.

The "big" problem that makes good motion controlled games hard is the fact you cant use preset animations with them. Even Nintendo skirts around this issue by not giving their characters arms in the WiiSports games.

Analogue motions of characters arms require games to be built/coded a bit differently, especially when these same motions also have to reflect in enemy's and environment interactions.
Developers will have to learn to adjust and that might take quite a few years. But its not something that can be done as an addition to a game. Its pretty fundimental to the way the engine will work.

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The big problem is 1:1 mapping always has been. The tech wasnt there for the games core players wanted like a light sabre/sword game. There is only one proper attempted sword game on wii because the remote cant read intricate movements of the player.

Your examples of good motion games are limp as the motion involved static characters performing very simple actions.

Improving mapped gesture controls is needed as even your examples of good games were prone to not recognising your gestures unless they were very precise and dramatic. (removing fuel cells in metroid, your actions are sometimes not replicated on screen.)

So improving gesture based controls so they were more reliable would be a great thing. Besides capcoms effort is clearly marked as an extra a bonus feature.

( Edited 20.05.2009 14:04 by meeto_0 )

Adding bonus content for WM+ users is great. Maybe we'll see a character with a sword or so. Of course it would take them some extra work.

If it ended up as a crappy experience, it could damage the reviews the game will get. But if it's a good addition to an already good game, it could sell extra copies.

I like the idea, making it not a priority to have it but rather an optional addon that can be ditched if it sucks, or if its actually any good, can be used as an unlockable item to get an extra character, more games should do this with other accessorys.

Is anyone interested in a game from the creators of R&C? Plus judging by first videos it is going to be very boring and repetitive (no surprise here). So who cares, are they going to add m+ support or not? Smilie

Is anyone interested in a game from the creators of R&C?

Uhhh...whats wrong with Ratchet and Clank? Having some of the people from the R&C team working on this game is really the only reason I have any sort of interest in this.

( Edited 21.05.2009 00:54 by Mario_0 )

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

Mario_0, R&C is very uninspired and unoriginal. Their game design ideal is stealing ideas from other games. To wrap it up R&C is just another action/platformer.

maeda said:
Mario_0, R&C is very uninspired and unoriginal. Their game design ideal is stealing ideas from other games. To wrap it up R&C is just another action/platformer.

Many consider them exceptional platformers, just look at there metacritic scores most of the games are in the high 80\'s low 90\'s.

( Edited 21.05.2009 13:04 by Mario_0 )

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

Mario_0, I see. But those scores are ridiculous, especially for sequels, which differ very little from each other. Well it is just my opinion and I don't claim to be objective. Smilie

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