Skateboard Periperhal for Tony Hawk

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.05.2009 8

Skateboard Periperhal for Tony Hawk on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The latest Tony Hawk game will feature the usual set of tricks, crazy levels and riding pros, oh and a giant skateboard peripheral!

Tony Hawk: Ride made its worldwide debut on GameTrailers TV earlier this week, with publisher Activision confirming that it'll be a multiplatform release on Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3.

Image for Skateboard Periperhal for Tony Hawk

Thanks to Kotaku.

Box art for Tony Hawk Ride

Buzz Monkey







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Oh Jesus, Fucking Christ! Tony Hawks died after Underground 2. Why can't they just use the balance board for the wii? It's 100x more accurate....
Why does every game these days feels like it hast to bring out some more plastic crap to play the game. Especially TH, good old button controls are fine thanks!


It has sensors and stuff all over it... so you use it \"like a real skateboard\"

then... why not just skateboard?

EDIT: I was trying to add onto your comment without quoting you. Smilie

( Edited 16.05.2009 22:13 by edracon )

Not that I am interested in this game anyway, but I would be more inclined to getting it if it simply used the Balance Board instead of an entirely different controller (which will likely be expensive).

edracon said:

then... why not just skateboard?

Because I do alread Smilie
But still. I prefer good old buttons. much more accurate. What happens with multiplayer? thats gonna be a bitch. The problem with all the accsesories is that they take up too much space in the home if everybody bought these games they need space for:
Guitar hero guitar
Guitar Hero Drum Kit (large)
Wii balance board
Wii Mic
Wii Zapper
Wii Wheel
Wii Ride skateboard
etc etc etc.
It's too much!

I think most gamers are tired of pointless and expensive game-exclusive peripherals. It won't be as accessible as something like Guitar Hero, and the skating market has been won over by Skate - I think this will bomb hard. Smilie

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

TheStratMan said:
I think most gamers are tired of pointless and expensive game-exclusive peripherals. It won't be as accessible as something like Guitar Hero, and the skating market has been won over by Skate - I think this will bomb hard. Smilie

Precisely. It does something with buttons that TH can never do (Thats what she said Smilie ) It's not necessary to play a game. It seems like for every game we get, we get some more plastic Smilie

I wonder how many landfills they'll be able to fill with these things...

Until we know exactly how it's played and how well it plays, we can't say anything of the quality. The board will be it's biggest selling point and one I think they were smart to go with as the Tony Hawk series just wasn't working anymore and to continue to try and compete with EA Skate the normal way would just be stupid.

Like Guitar Hero, you'll probably be able to just use a normal controller for multiplayer.

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