Time to Dust Off Your Old Controllers? Komodo Say Yes.

By Shane Jury 15.05.2009 9

Time to Dust Off Your Old Controllers? Komodo Say Yes. on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

NES, SNES and N64 owners will soon be able to give their old controllers a new lease of life thanks to an adapter that will be showcased at E3.

Although it was suggested around the time of Wii's unveiling at E3 2006 that shells of past Nintendo Controllers would be available for use with Virtual Console, nothing has come of it since, but peripheral distributer Innex will offer the next best thing; an adapter to plug in the GC slot to use with NES, SNES and Nintendo 64 pads.


Innex Secures Exclusive Komodo Adapter in Time for E3 Launch. Old School is Now the New Cool.

City of Industry, Calif., (May, 2009) -Backwards compatibility has reached a new level of cool with the launch of the 3-in-1 Virtual Retro Adaptor that allows gamers to connect NES, SNES, and N64 controllers directly to the Nintendo Wii video game console.

By accessing the GameCube port that is built in to the Wii system, the 3-in-1 Virtual Retro Adaptor allows gamers to enjoy older, "retro" games using the original controllers for NES, SNES, and N64.

The Retro Adaptor, developed by Komodo and exclusively distributed by Innex, will be available for demonstration at E3, Innex Booth # 2547, South Hall.

Product Highlights:

- Compatible with Nintendo Wii Virtual Console
- Connects Through GameCube Port
- Compatible with 1st and 3rd Party Controllers
- Compatible with NES, SNES, and N64 Controllers
- Analog Function Available for N64 Controllers
- Suggested Retail Price: $19.99
- Launch Date: Mid June

"Whether you're a young kid or middle aged gaming fanatic, the Retro Adapter is perfect for controlling all the great Nintendo titles from the last 25 years," stated Titi Ngoy, President of Innex. "The Retro Adapter allows you to step back in time and play all the classics the way they were meant to be played using the original controllers. The old school is now the new cool."

About Innex

Innex was launched in 2004 as a distributor of video game related products with a particular emphasis on video game peripherals. The company has experienced exceptional growth in just five years and is poised to become one of the leading providers of gaming accessories worldwide. In addition to its extensive global distribution capabilities, Innex also provides its business partners with the opportunity to develop their own private label brands by offering an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) program. Simultaneously, Innex has positioned itself as a product sourcing agent, providing expert consultation to companies looking for specific video game related products that are either unavailable through other vendors, or difficult to find or manufacture. http://www.innexinc.com

One thing to bear in mind regarding N64 controllers is that for each VC Downloadable from the 64 era, control hasn't been optimized for Classic Pad or GC Pad use, so using a 64 pad via this new adapter shouldn't present any control issues.

No pictures as of yet, but with E3 looming, that will soon change. Any readers here that will be bringing their Pads out of retirement?

Thanks to the Chaps at Neogaf.

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I gotta ask, what about button mapping? Won't there be problems with button mapping?

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I don't think so, the NES and SNES games I've played on VC control largely the same as they would originally, and N64 shouldn't be a problem. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

This is fabulous news. You just can't play some of these games with the Wiimote. Especially N64 ones, where I wouldn't even want to use a GameCube pad.

Personal thing I guess. I hate the N64 pad compared to the GC one.

Though when it comes to SNES games, I'm sure anything is better than a Classic Controller or GC pad.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I want it! Love N64 pad!

( Edited 15.05.2009 21:47 by maeda )

This is amazing!
I hate playing N64 games on anything that isn't an N64 pad.

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For example i have Sin & Punishment on VC. How will my N64 pad know that the X & Y buttons of the GameCube controller correspond to C Left and C Right in the Game ? This changes from game to game, and not all N64 games use the same button re-layout on GameCube Controller so it's not just a question of "C Left = C stick pushed left", "Z N64 = Z GameCube", etc.

I have serious doubts that it works as good as it claims to. but for the SNES and NES games, i suppose there's shouldn't be any issue.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

SuperLink said:Though when it comes to SNES games, I'm sure anything is better than a Classic Controller or GC pad.

What's wrong with the CC for Snes games? It's perfect for them. The layout is pretty much the same as the original Snes pad.Smilie

Yeah this should be cool for Street Fighter, if only we had Tatsunoko to use a SNES pad on. I do like the CC for SNES games though. My only problem is that the sticks off me N64 pads are worn to the ground.

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