MotionPlus Exclusivity 'A Huge Risk' for Red Steel 2

By Adam Riley 15.05.2009 13

MotionPlus Exclusivity

Ubisoft has revealed that there are worries about making the use of MotionPlus obligatory for Red Steel 2. In an effort to ensure that the sword fighting is as realistic as possible this time round, the decision was made to force owners of the game to use the MotionPlus add-on device that boosts the accelerometers in the Wii Remote.

However, Jason Vandenberghe, Creative Director on the project, has aired concerns about such a move:

"It's a huge risk. We have no idea what the penetration rate for Wii MotionPlus will be. We assume high. We would like it to be high. I would love to say to you that it'll be compatible with just a regular controller, but the gameplay simply isn't there without MotionPlus. That core experience just isn't there without it."

Thankfully for Ubisoft, Nintendo is of course bundling the device with Wii Sports Resort and analyst Michael Pachter of Wedbush Morgan believes it will prove to be as powerful a seller as the Balance Board that comes with Wii Fit, with ten million being sold with ease.

Do you think other developers should follow Ubisoft's route and dive straight in with exclusivity?

Box art for Red Steel 2





First Person Shooter



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I never got a Balance Board, if it means buying Wii Fit I don't want one.

As long as Wii Sports Resort is affordable though, I could very possibly get Motion Plus.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I think whilst nintendo is still hot outside japan this is the right time to sell wii resort and motion plus. But future remotes and consoles should have it bundled/built in. It shouldnt remain a seperate peripheral for too long at all. Not many developers will continue to take such a risk like ubi.

Not sure about wii resort anymore. Was only getting it because I wanted hands on with motion plus. But now im getting grand slam tennis. If wii resort lacks a progression structure i.e tournaments/rounds and is exactly like wii sport then it isnt worth the £40 the online stores are charging.
Wii sports was good but not worth selling seperate like they did in japan.

To solve this problem, all they have to do is bundle every copy with WM+.

wAyNe - sTaRT said:
To solve this problem, all they have to do is bundle every copy with WM+.

That's exactly what I thought. Perhaps a deal will indeed be worked out with Nintendo at a later stage if Grand Slam Tennis doesn't get enough MotionPlus devices into gamers' hands and Wii Sports Resort isn't the massive landslide success people presume it will be.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Actually it'd be a bad idea to NOT include WM+.

Unfortunately this would up the price. Maybe they could sell versions it too?

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Bundle. Simple as that.

Every game that requires motion plus exclusively I imagine will be bundled. I think nintendo has a policy that all games exclusively using the motion board have to be bundled. The SKUs in store bundled for those who dont have any Motion+ and game only for those who do.

Thats actualy fantastic news.

If motion plus is a requirement, it means the 1:1 motions are essential to the gameplay.

Regarding Bundleing; Great, but only works for games a few months after release...I mean else your forceing people that already have a MP to pay the cost of another. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
Regarding Bundleing; Great, but only works for games a few months after release...I mean else your forceing people that already have a MP to pay the cost of another.

Like I said, how about the option to buy it seperately or with WM+? Like Animal Crossing.

Oh, and, lol, no games using WiiSpeak yet Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Bundle would be best.

Would screw over the second-hand market too. Smilie

I would say it's almost certain that it'll be released in two SKUs, with Motion Plus and without.

Does anybody actually have all the wii add ons? Wii speak, balance board, MKWheel, the shooter thing, etc. Its starting to add up now. They probably did it on purpose but i wouldn\'t have minded paying £250 at retail for everything included instead of £180 aslong as it wasn\'t a piss take in a huge rise.

They should fix this for wii2 which i imagine will be out within 4-5 years. Im probably wrong but i hope it is.

As for M+ ill buy it on its own as i wont be buying wii resorts thing, unless it just makes absolute sense money wise to get it bundled.

( Edited 17.05.2009 16:10 by Im_Neutral )

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