Dance Dance Revolution Returns to Wii

By Adam Riley 14.05.2009 2

Dance Dance Revolution Returns to Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Konami's long-standing Bemani music dancing series, Dance Dance Revolution, is set to return on numerous systems, Wii included, later this year. Dance Dance Revolution: Volume #1 will be somewhat of a "Best of" compilation pacakge that includes many of the popular dance tracks people have got down and boogied to in previous editions in the franchise.

Dance Dance Revolution: Volume #1 is due in early November, alongside Konami's other recently announced title Karaoke Revolution. More details are expected at the upcoming E3 event.

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*has the Mario Mix*

Canyarion said:
*has the Mario Mix*

Really? Hoping it's a Nintendo exclusive so they can stick it to Sony and Microsoft! Sorry fellas. You're just not good enough for that! Smilie

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