Monster Hunter Wii Tops Japanese Chart

By Adam Riley 08.05.2009 7

Monster Hunter Wii Tops Japanese Chart on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom's Monster Hunter port to Nintendo's Wii has managed to top the charts in Japan, starting faster than the original PlayStation 2 version. It also helped the flagging sales of the Wii somewhat, with the console seeing a ~5,000 unit jump. However, clearly expectations were slightly higher, although if Wii can manage to lift itself once more above the PS3 then the effects of Monster Hunter will definitely be seen as the most positive thing that has happened to Wii since the December/January sales period in Japan.

Check out the sales data below:

Media Create Top 50 - 20th-26th April, 2009
1.) Monster Hunter G (Wii, Capcom) - 131,647 | NEW
2.) Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky (NDS, The Pokemon Company) - 54,413 | 196,000
3.) Killzone 2 (PS3, SCEI) - 41,245 | NEW
4.) Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 3: The Collapsing City and the Girl's Song (PSP, Irem) - 31,434 | NEW
5.) Monster Hunter Portable 2 G (BEST) (PSP, Capcom) - 22,688 | 613,000
6.) Death Smiles (360, Cave) - 19,635 | NEW
7.) Sengoku Basara: Battle Heroes (PSP, Capcom) - 16,692 | 130,000
8.) Mario & Luigi RPG 3!!! (NSD, Nintendo) - 16,595 | 558,000
9.) Wii Fit (Wii, Nintendo) - 10,587 | 3,369,000
10.) H.A.W.X. (360, Ubisoft) - 9,705 | NEW
11.) A Ressha de Gyoukou DS (NDS, Artdink) - NEW
12.) Pro Baseball Famista DS 2009 (NDS, Namco Bandai)
13.) Deca Sporta 2: Wii de Sports 10 Shumoku! (Wii, Hudson)
14.) Taiko Drum Master Wii (Wii, Namco Bandai)
15.) Kidou Senshi Gundam: Senjou no Kizuna Portable (PSP, Namco Bandai)
16.) Musou Orochi Z (PS3, Koei)
17.) Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball 2009 (PS2, Konami)
18.) Rittai Picross (NDS, Nintendo)
19.) Mario Kart Wii (Wii, Nintendo)
20.) Valkyria Chronicles (BEST) (PS3, SEGA)
21.) Rhythm Tengoku Gold (NDS, Nintendo)
22.) Katekyoo Hitman Reborn! Fate of Heat II (NDS, Takara Tomy)
23.) Pokemon Platinum (NDS, The Pokemon Company)
24.) Resident Evil 5 (PS3, Capcom)
25.) Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's: Stardust Accelerator World Championship 2009 (NDS, Konami)
26.) Fantasy Golf Pangya Portable (PSP, Takara Tomy)
27.) Disgaea 2 Portable (PSP, Nippon Ichi Software)
28.) Wagamama Fashion: Girls Mode (NDS, Nintendo)
29.) Little Anchor (PS2, D3 Publisher)
30.) Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City (Wii, Nintendo)
31.) Inazuma Eleven (NDS, Level 5)
32.) Kanji Quiz DS 3 Deluxe (NDS, Rocket Company)
33.) Wii Sports (Wii, Nintendo)
34.) Little Magician's Magic Adventure (NDS, Konami)
35.) Kanji Brain 2 Premium (NDS, IE Institute) - NEW
36.) Aim!! Fishing Master DS (NDS, Hudson) - NEW
37.) Demon's Souls (PS3, SCEI)
38.) Nanatama: Chronicle of Dungeon Maker (PSP, Global A)
39.) New Play Control! Pikmin 2 (Wii, Nintendo)
40.) Metal Fight Beyblade (NDS, Hudson)
41.) Crayon Shin-chan: Arashi wo Yobu Nendororon Daihenshin! (NDS, Namco Bandai)
42.) Kanuchi: Kuroki Tsubasa no Shou (PS2, Idea Factory) - NEW
43.) Taiko Drum Master 2: The Seven Island Adventure (NDS, Namco Bandai)
44.) Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball Next (Wii, Konami)
45.) Mario Kart DS (NDS, Nintendo)
46.) 7th Dragon (NDS, SEGA)
47.) Shin Sangoku Musou: Multi Raid (PSP, Koei)
48.) Power Pro Kun Pocket 11 (NDS, Konami)
49.) Super Robot Taisen K (NDS, Namco Bandai)
50.) New Super Mario Bros. (NDS, Nintendo)

Hardware - This Week | Last Week | 2009 Sales | Lifetime Sales
1.) Nintendo DS - 43,869 | 44,725 | 1,206,439 | 26,326,074
2.) PlayStation Portable - 41,187 | 40,065 | 870,122 | 12,228,225
3.) PlayStation 3 - 23,351 | 62,527 | 471,051 | 3,093,519
4.) Wii - 18,439 | 13,221 | 450,272 | 7,929,249
5.) Xbox 360 - 7,016 | 8,652 | 178,143 | 1,007,580
6.) PlayStation 2 - 4,524 | 4,230 | 94,686 | 21,494,215
XX.) Nintendo DSi - 37,495 | 38,287 | 969,588 | 2,200,947
XX.) Nintendo DS Lite - 6,374 | 6,438 | 236,851 | 17,539,656

Box art for Monster Hunter G








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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (1 Votes)

European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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Hmm there's gotto be something wrong in the hardware section. How could the original ds sell more than both dsi and ds lite?

PS3 still out selling wii on hardware

Smilie is MH really that big of a shock it No1 in japan?

For a port, this is doing very well.
But no one will buy a Wii for a port, so the real test is when 3 comes out. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Ladasta said:
Hmm there\'s gotto be something wrong in the hardware section. How could the original ds sell more than both dsi and ds lite?

It\'s both DSL and DSi combined.

I guess the Wii is in need of some more Japanese appealing games, like JRPG\'s and such. And when MH3 comes out, then it\'ll boost the sales, I think most people who brought G either don\'t have a PSP or just haven\'t tried MH out.

( Edited 08.05.2009 12:52 by Stulaw )

Good news!

@Ladasta: The number of DS is just DSL+DSi. That's why those last 2 don't have numbers, but Xs.

Can't believe Wii Fit is still in the top 10 o.0;

Bet those Japanese gamers will be susprised when they discover they have to PAY to play it online! Or not, but they shouldn't give Capcom the pleasure.

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As this little port is topping the chat what will 3 do?

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