Zelda: Spirit Tracks to Appeal to Wider Audience

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.05.2009 21

Zelda: Spirit Tracks to Appeal to Wider Audience on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Buried within Nintendo's recent financial report was a mention for the latest Zelda on DS, said to appeal to a wider age group.

Announced during this year's GDC, The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks sees cell-shaded Link head out on a new adventure on a steam-powered train. Whilst it could just be sales talk to boost the project's appeal to investors, you can never quite know what Miyamoto and co have up their sleeves.

The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks...will appeal to a wider age group of people, and will launch in the later half of the year.

Thanks to Kotaku.

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks





Action Adventure



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It always sounds bad when they say that. Obviously it'll still be good, but how easy can Zelda games get?

Seriously, hard mode Nintendo. PLEASE. Is it really too much to ask to put in less Heart Containers, more enemies and better AI?

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A harder mode would be awesome - more damage taken, more hits to defeat a boss, additional patterns perhaps.

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This is what irritates me most -- its fantastic that new gamers are being brought in. But at the same time, does Nintendo have to dumb down its best franchises for them? It's really starting to irritate me.

Fire Emblem Rant:

Nintendo, draw in the non-core gamers with Wii Fit etc. But stop watering down the franchises we've loved for years.

umm...but I always enjoyed finding the heart containers most of all. What I missed from Phantom Hourglass.
Just make the enemys do more damage if you want a hard mode.

As for this comment, meh, I wouldnt read too much into it yet.

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Smilie you dont have to take all quite to much to heart, zelda all ways appeal to a alot of ppl

it not like he saying we going to make it piss easy it just somthing you say

Smilie PR ppl all way saying this it really means nothing

Yesyes. Mario Galaxy was easy enough for newer gamers to enjoy, but it also had SHITLOADS of stuff for veterans to enjoy.

A lot of other games though don't seem to do that... There were MINIMAL extras/sidequests in Phantom Hourglass.

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Yeah doesnt sound promising. Is it soo hard to come up with the concept of Gamer mode and Casual mode. Dont think its truly possible to make a game that truly satisfies all audiences in one go.

I want complex challenging engrossing difficult long zelda. And probably the newcomers want a more relaxed pick up and play for a little bit not challenging experience.

Nintendo dont seem to appreciate this. I think on the wii can kiss goodbye to a zelda as great as ocarina. didnt one of the key members of nintendo say that zelda titles wont be going for epic next time.

meeto_0 said:
Yeah doesnt sound promising. Is it soo hard to come up with the concept of Gamer mode and Casual mode.

Was that sarcasm? Zelda's like the only game in the world that doesn't have Hard mode.

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SuperLink said:
meeto_0 said:
Yeah doesnt sound promising. Is it soo hard to come up with the concept of Gamer mode and Casual mode.

Was that sarcasm? Zelda's like the only game in the world that doesn't have Hard mode.

So what? You might have highlighted a problem. The 3D zeldas seem to stick very heavily to a strict template. Boy with no name destined to take on gandolf prevent him using the triforce. Does this using one major element: Ocarina, wind stick, masks, wolf, goest to green, fire, water, dungeon, ice temple, Destroys bosses by carefully watching their attack patterns. Safes princess. Does all this without fear of dying because he has too many hearts and there are no game modes.

Most enemies in Zelda where always more of a minor nuisance, making them harder would just be annoying.
Maybe make the boss\' challanging but i would rather see more inventive boss fights rather than just adding more health onto their meter.

Using items that take advantage of the touch screen, like the boomarang in the last one, which was awesome, more stuff like that please.

If they want to make it more difficult have optional dungens, maybe like a proceed further option at the end of a standard dungen.

But then what reward would you get for doing that? Aything substantial would end up making the game easier probably but somthing shit like a certicificate saying \"Good Job!\" or rupees would be kind of shit and pointless.

Anyway I\'m not worried they where advertising the last DS Zelda game as a girls game and it turned out to be a great.

( Edited 07.05.2009 21:07 by Mario_0 )

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We don't need bosses as hard as Onimusha but we do need bosses harder than "Hit three times with your new weapon".

Angus said:
We don\'t need bosses as hard as Onimusha but we do need bosses harder than \"Hit three times with your new weapon\".

No the hitting them three times bit is fine, it\'s the weaking them with an item bit to expose their weak point bit that just needs to be more interesting or challanging.

( Edited 07.05.2009 21:22 by Mario_0 )

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

I Dont think they need to change anything to make this game more accessible to new people. Seriously, who in the world hasn't heard of the Legend of Zelda? Everybody has and they know what its about. And even if people hadn't, they would pick it up play it and decide whether they liked it or not for the core game. Not how easy it is, Nintendo dont need to change anything. Thats what pisses me off the most. You dont see TVs changing because blind people can't see them...absolute shite metaphor i know..but you know what im saying.

I doubt they'll ever do a masters quest for this. I do anticipate a Zelda with bosses that break the three hit rule, I want Shadow of the Collosus or DMC style damage.

What made the older games difficult for me was that some enemies simply could not be defeated and you had to avoid them while fighting other enemies in a closed space. It was easy to pull off in 2D, but just having an enemy bump into you and hurting you in 3D is harder. And it would be frustrating avoiding enemies that cannot be defeated in 3D due to more restrictive cameras.

I think streamlining the fighting in order to make enemies harder to beat without becoming frustrating is necessary.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Why is everyone assuming that "wider age group" means YOUNGER gamers?? I think Nintendo's already pretty well-assured that kids play Zelda. Twilight Princess was meant to appeal ot a "wider age group".
And do people realize that the things they are requesting of to make the series better - more streamlined combat, harder bosses that are more creative at the same time, etc, etc... - are INCREDIBLY hard to pull off?? Not that I would doubt Aonuma and Miyamoto's ability to rise to the challenge, but think for a second about what you're demanding before throwing out criticisms left and right as if you think Nintendo's not even TRYING!

Judging by how Phantom Hourglass easily played, I doubt it'll be harder.

Im_Neutral said:
Seriously, who in the world hasn't heard of the Legend of Zelda?

You might be suprised..... Smilie

If this game turns out to be crap that easy to anyone, yes, even the 40-year-old women you see in the commercials, then I don't know what I'd do.

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

I think we are missing some important points here:

1. Most of us are Gamers Fo' Life (word to your mother!) and it begs to reason that we just got better at video games. I storm LoZ on the NES without the unneeded items and without going out of my way for heart containers.

2. As much as I love LoZ it is kind of long in the tooth at this point. Think Rocky V or Dr. Who.

3. All those side quests take away from the game experience. Some enhance it but most just have you mindlessly wandering all over the map for very little pay off (500 rupees and you are carrying 997)

Thats why I loved Twlight Princess splitting the heart containers into 5 pieces.

It gave a lot more mini-puzzles arround the landscape, while each of them contributing at least some small advantage for doing them.
I hope they carry that thinking over to the next game.

I certainly dont want hunting-for-money-chest.
The heart system is great.

I think on the wii can kiss goodbye to a zelda as great as ocarina. didnt one of the key members of nintendo say that zelda titles wont be going for epic next time.

No, they didnt.

Also, Ocarina is a heck of a lot easier then you remember. Go back and play it.
The enemys are no where near as smart as TP\'s or TWWs.
The only enemys in Ocarina that give you a challange are the Skeltions near the end.
(and even then, its MUCH more enjoyable fighting the skelitons in TP or TWW as the fighting is far more diverse and interesting).

Zelda isnt getting easier, your just getting better at it.

No, for me what Zelda needs more then \"harder/easier\" is just a rearrangement of its gameplay.
Have Zack-and-Wiki style puzzles around the landscape rather then just pushing blocks and using items. Make people think about solutions more.
Also, dump the standard dungoen progression completely. Have themed areas, have bose\'s, but dont have such a regid layout! I want to walk into an area not knowing when I\'ll hit a boss or even how big the area will be!
Zelda games should supprise more often.

( Edited 08.05.2009 10:31 by Darkflame )

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Maybe giving the game a fair amount of challenging side quests might be good to have in it.
Overall I still think the game is gonna be awesome and hopefully it will end up being better then PH, even though that was still pretty awesome Smilie

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